View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

talentless hack



Joined on 8/23/03

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ZekeySpaceyLizard's News

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - September 23rd, 2008

I have come across a metric ton of wonderful stuff as of late, and i've been denying the urge to post them here but i simply have to show you guys.
too many good things.
too many too many

a very stylized short of a bunch of deranged geometric animals destroying things and creating music in the process.

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SWAN MEAT from the band Subtle whom both notorious and I are fans of. from their wishingbone album from a couple years back.
there's two more of these odd black and white music videos from the same album

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a music video and song by Chad VabGaalen. wps linked me to this. it is freaky and disturbing and yet it has a weird beauty to it.
i'll find you and i'll kill you

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by andrew huang. the same guy who made the amazing Doll Face cgi film. This man seems to weave gold in whatever he does.

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Now these next few videos are so foreign to me that I cant even give a short description for them. I found them by accident and they are in other languages.
So yeah.

They are pretty great though.
Alot more avant-garde then the ones I posted above.

Watermelon Bird
looks nothing like a watermelon

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DrĂ³ton - On The Wire
short about two cute little people/squirrel/birds.

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And this next vid can best be described as "what if the rwd got together with david lynch and made a horror cartoon"

thats the best i can use to describe it.
warning: LOUD AS FUK

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and lastly this neat thing my friend gerkinman linked me to
hearts a mess

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Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - September 19th, 2008

i've decided to make a madness day flash

but here's the surprise: it wont be spam HOLY SHIT CAN YA BELIEVE IT

it will also probably be very short

and thats it.


unimportant news

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - September 4th, 2008

Why are there so many songs about rainbows?

A new muppet show is coming out. And despite the advertisement for it containing Ashley Simpson, I am still optimistic. Having watched the Great Muppet Caper last night for the umpteenth time and watching old reruns of Muppets Tonight.

So even though I guess puppets technically are not cartoons, I think some muppetry would be appropriate to remember all the good things Jim and Brian Henson and Frank Oz have brought us.
technically puppetry is a form of animation.

mostly I'm gonna post sesame street stuff. Lets be honest. EVERYONE has enjoyed sesame street to some extent, and for many of us, it fed our minds during childhood in the wee hours of the morning.

I Dont want to Live on the Moon
i always like how ernie and kermit's voice sound exactly the same.

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Imagine That
this song kicks so much ass

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Movin Right Along from the Muppet Movie

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Of course this whole post isnt about puppetry.

First things first, I dont think enough of you know who Bruno Bozzetto is. Basically he's one of the greatest animators alive. He made his own musical rival for fantasia years ago called Allegro Non Troppo which is full of beautiful whimsical animation.

Nowadays he makes flash cartoons and has even put a few on newgrounds. Or at least he had a few here. But they, and his account, seem to be deleted now.

Well that stinks.
Oh well, you can still enjoy some of his animation here:

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crazy film by tim hope who works on the Mighty Boosh now
a large chunk of this was used in a commercial for the playstation quite a few years ago

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I love you but i've chosen darkness

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More than a year ago the National Film Board of canada set up an area of their website where they were uploading the best in canadian independent animation for people to watch for free. I even made a big post about it linking to my favorites. Sadly, that service is free no longer.

Or at least it wasn't last time I checked.
But the NFB has a youtube channel where they uploaded a very odd but nice short film called When the Day Breaks which toured with the Animation Show several years ago.

I actually have this on dvd

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If ever a "The Killing Joke" or "The Man Who Laughs" movie is made, I hope its with the same animation quality this commercial has. Although, perhaps not these voices.
I think Richard Williams had something to do with these.

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my good friend RedMongoose found this wonderfully weird stop motion film 1933
i think tim burton must have gotten some early inspiration from this thing

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and my good friend mrat found this hilarious student film which has warmed my soul on many a cold night

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And last but not least the sequel to Bathtime in Clerkenwell which you've probably seen already

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and thats it for this time around.

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - August 26th, 2008

no time to question my moves. i stick to the path that i choose.

uh anyway.

very small tiny update (not really) for people who dont read my other (much more emo) blog where i whine like a crybaby about my life.

and here it is:

A.) work continues on polypeptide. an enjoyable project as always. should be done early september.

B.) nathaniel and bryce milburne started up an art site called campnorth.tv not long ago and invited me to join.
and so i did and unceremoniously proceeded to slop everything i've made all over the place. It is a very nice site though. So for those of you who like my "art" which is usually better than my "cartoons" feel free to look around. There's hundreds of galleries there, most of which are filled with good stuff.

C.) I got to put my design on a product that isn't exclusive to everybody. i got selected with a few others to design for something i cant talk about yet. but i'll be sure to not link you to it, because its something you have to buy and i dont really feel like being a whore. at least, not today.

D.) mario rpg is now on virtual console. just so's ya know

E.) the fat anime collab 3 was a rousing success, raising the ires of many newgrounders and even drawing some particularly arrogant viewers to crawl out of their troughs and try to insult me via PM. Thank you unenforced rules, for allowing me and fatbadger to submit utter swill that causes such amusing fireworks.

F.) the new issue of PLAY magazine has like a 3 page article about Castle Crashers. it even mentioned tom and dan in it. but not newgrounds. oh well. still, PLAY is....proooobably the best videogame magazine out there. not the most popular, but definitely the best. yay publicity

G.) everyone should listen to Insomniac Olympics by Blockhead, After the Gold Rush by Neil Young, and Chesh by the Black Dog


*Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - August 12th, 2008

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Shit, in its literal meaning, is usually considered a vulgar word (swear word) in Modern English. As a noun it refers to fecal matter (excrement) and as a verb it means to defecate or defecate in; in the plural ("the shits") it means diarrhoea. As a slang term, it can mean nonsense, foolishness or something of little value; trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk, or a contemptible person. To shit, in slang, is to talk nonsense to, or to attempt to deceive.

livestock marriage

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - August 7th, 2008

German cockroaches rank "fourth or fifth" in the total num- ber of household, structural and institutional insect pest inquiries received from Ohio clientele each year. These are the most common roaches found in homes, apartments, restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, and other buildings where food is stored, prepared, or served. They eat food of all kinds and may hitchhike into the home on egg cartons, soft drink cartons, sacks of potatoes or onions, used furniture, beer cases, etc. These roaches will move from building to building during the warm summer months. They can develop into large populations and live throughout the home, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. Roaches can foul food, damage wallpaper and books, eat glue from furniture, and produce an unpleasant odor. Some homeowners are allergic to roaches, and the pests can contaminate food with certain bacterial diseases that result in food poisoning, dysentery, or diarrhea. Cockroaches can cause childhood asthma.

herf derf

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - July 29th, 2008

i've had today and have the next few days off work
so today between bouts of arguing with kids on the internet i have been painting a huge clusterfuck of a motion blur for polypeptide.

and i realized i hadnt done one of these in a while

so here we go, some cool cartoons for you to watch that hopefully will inspire you

first is this thing Notorious showed me.
its a long one clocking in at like 11 minutes. but its well worth it because its very deranged.

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Tex Avery's "Symphony in Slang"
more puns per square inch than a (insert pun here)

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Philip Vose of Calarts made this beautiful gloomy little toon called Umbrella

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Tex Avery also made this

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And what I personally think is the best cartoon Avery ever made because it makes me heehaw like a donkey each time I watch it. its the little things that just cement it. like how the opera singer just "throws" the stupid looking rabbits away as if they're objects.

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Carnivore Reflux
like some unholy combo of weird 50's animation, tim burton, and dr.seuss
rather funny and creepy
(there's some ads at the beginning)

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there's a video game coming out called De Blob and i like the animation style in it

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These next two arent really cartoons although they both contain animation
the first is

The Cat with Hands

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And this next one I have no explanation for.
Its just called

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And this last one was suggested by my very good friend Mrat
it is quite amusing and well animated

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Now this next thing is NOT a good cartoon.

In fact its far from it.

This is whats left of the infamous "Wolf Tracer" a studio that is perhaps best left forgotten.

prepare your eyes for some of the ugliest computer animation you may ever see

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ok i'm done

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - July 28th, 2008

me and a good friend discuss the internet crap

fell free to post tl:dr i dont care anymore

squ0f: do you like people commenting on your art
squ0f: sometimes i feel like i would rather just not show anyone anything i make
Fololo 311: sometimes i do. most of it i put online as insurance in case my shitty pc dies and i lose everything
squ0f: yeh lmao
Fololo 311: who is this anyway?
squ0f: squeef monkeyfargher14
Fololo 311: why'd you change your screenname
squ0f: i dont know
squ0f: why do i do anything anymore
squ0f: ive really hated my old screen name for quite some time
squ0f: if you need more concrete reasoning that you wouldnt dfffff
Fololo 311: i hate mine too
Fololo 311: i used to try to get zekey deleted
squ0f: mm
Fololo 311: by annoying wade
Fololo 311: but that never worked
squ0f: ;/
squ0f: and now
squ0f: your name is loved by
squ0f: i dont know tons of people
Fololo 311: fags
squ0f: yeh lmfao
squ0f: god that one thread
squ0f: in art
squ0f: lmaooo
Fololo 311: please dont remind me
squ0f: ok
squ0f: but still lOL
Fololo 311: that stuff just depresses me
squ0f: im sorry man
Fololo 311: its like
Fololo 311: the whole point of why i do what i do is because i want people to think for themselves
squ0f: and then they become your little drove of fanboys
Fololo 311: and that thread is like the complete opposite
Fololo 311: yes exactly
squ0f: i
squ0f: dont even know how it came about
squ0f: i guess frontpage movies by you?
squ0f: oh well
Fololo 311: yeah
Fololo 311: some people dont even know i'm a star syndicate member
squ0f: yeah
Fololo 311: and get enraged when i submit spam
squ0f: thats great when they are like i love zekey but hate ss
Fololo 311: its like 'where the fuck have you been?"
squ0f: umm zekey loves ss?? yeh
squ0f: shit
squ0f: lmao i love that one thread by you still i think i always will
squ0f: moon myndicate, piclownjews, all arguing.
squ0f: mmm
Fololo 311: yes
Fololo 311: oh man the fun i had that night
squ0f: thats funny shit
squ0f: yeahh
Fololo 311: yeh
squ0f: it went for like 6 pages too didnt it
Fololo 311: yep
Fololo 311: f00d spoiled it twice and still noone got it
squ0f: yeahh
squ0f: there is always gonna be that one thing about ng
squ0f: stupid gullible people there for the taking
Fololo 311: yep
squ0f: mm
squ0f: oh well
Fololo 311: i should post this convo
Fololo 311: on ng
squ0f: lmao
squ0f: i think i have chat logs set up now
Fololo 311: mmm
squ0f: i mean not that you couldnt just copy past,,,,,
squ0f: this aim log is nice
Fololo 311: mmfff
squ0f: f
squ0f: zekeys dark not-so-secret secret
Fololo 311: "how zekey got toadies"
squ0f: shit
squ0f: make a flash
Fololo 311: i am too lazy to do that
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: what if someone else makes it
Fololo 311: bleeeechhhh
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: well what are you gonna do
squ0f: just let this go on
squ0f: not care
Fololo 311: i have to
Fololo 311: i've been thinking after polypeptide of just leaving the internet for a while
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: i figured youd say that
squ0f: damn i have esp or some shyt
Fololo 311: or maybe i'll give all my accounts to blue hippo for a while and use the net just for watching films
squ0f: heel yeuh
squ0f: he keep your lvl and b/p nice for you
squ0f: cuz........ that is good thing 2 have...........
Fololo 311: gffdsadfsdf
squ0f: that dude
squ0f: has got so many acounts
squ0f: jesus
Fololo 311: its cause hippo is a trustworthy and loyal guy
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: i would like to be done with high school
squ0f: really
Fololo 311: yes on adult swim right now
Fololo 311: high school is horrible
Fololo 311: i didnt learn shite.
squ0f: gay timezones metalocalypse is on for me
squ0f: i know
squ0f: its tons of work for nothing
Fololo 311: metalozalypse is good too
squ0f: i guess im not a fan
Fololo 311: oh well ffff
squ0f: i like that its made in flash though, it is good for flish
Fololo 311: alot of stuff is flash these days
squ0f: not really a fan of any of adult swims humor
squ0f: i know?? damn
squ0f: it should be easy to get a nice flash job
squ0f: oh i didnt say that in like a mad at you tone ffff
squ0f: i mean yeh
Fololo 311: yeah you'd think it would be
squ0f: lmao if ng expands and needs people id work for them
squ0f: shit
squ0f: or for AS
Fololo 311: i'd work for them too probably
squ0f: i dont know i hate thinking about the future
squ0f: it just makes me depressed that ill probably never go anywhere
Fololo 311: although it'd be awkward
squ0f: lmao yeah
squ0f: oh hey i kind of tried to bring your site down um
squ0f: pay me
Fololo 311: hey you're still in high school you have time
squ0f: i have a horrible work ethic too though
squ0f: like i havent even done homework in like 3 weeks
squ0f: holee shyt
Fololo 311: i always did my homework on the bus
squ0f: true
squ0f: but i have to ride a bike



who gives a fuckin shit anyway WHY ARE YOU HERE YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO

and now to end this post with a HEE LAIR EE US picture as always


Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - July 23rd, 2008

Take a can of your gasoline. Say this can of gasoline is the sun. Now, you spread a thin line of it to a ball, representing the earth. Now, the gasoline represents the sunlight, the sun particles. Here we saturate the ball with the gasoline, the sunlight. Then we put a flame to the ball. The flame will speedily travel around the earth, back along the line of gasoline to the can, or the sun itself. It will explode this source and spread to every place that gasoline, our sunlight, touches. Explode the sunlight here, gentlemen, you explode the universe.

more proof i am still working

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - July 15th, 2008

people keep asking about it so here is proof i am still making progress on my next big non-spam non-garbage cartoon, Polypeptide which I've pathetically been working on for more than a year now.

WILL THE WAIT BE WORTH IT? nope. but i am quite happy with how its coming out

and its given me the chance to draw all sort of monsters and vehicles and stuff

some of which i gotta reuse. like this wooden puppet riding the frog. i like how he came out.

(no the frog is not flying he in midjump)

proof i am still working