View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
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cool cartoons part 3323498

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - July 29th, 2008

i've had today and have the next few days off work
so today between bouts of arguing with kids on the internet i have been painting a huge clusterfuck of a motion blur for polypeptide.

and i realized i hadnt done one of these in a while

so here we go, some cool cartoons for you to watch that hopefully will inspire you

first is this thing Notorious showed me.
its a long one clocking in at like 11 minutes. but its well worth it because its very deranged.

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Tex Avery's "Symphony in Slang"
more puns per square inch than a (insert pun here)

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Philip Vose of Calarts made this beautiful gloomy little toon called Umbrella

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Tex Avery also made this

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And what I personally think is the best cartoon Avery ever made because it makes me heehaw like a donkey each time I watch it. its the little things that just cement it. like how the opera singer just "throws" the stupid looking rabbits away as if they're objects.

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Carnivore Reflux
like some unholy combo of weird 50's animation, tim burton, and dr.seuss
rather funny and creepy
(there's some ads at the beginning)

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there's a video game coming out called De Blob and i like the animation style in it

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These next two arent really cartoons although they both contain animation
the first is

The Cat with Hands

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And this next one I have no explanation for.
Its just called

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And this last one was suggested by my very good friend Mrat
it is quite amusing and well animated

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Now this next thing is NOT a good cartoon.

In fact its far from it.

This is whats left of the infamous "Wolf Tracer" a studio that is perhaps best left forgotten.

prepare your eyes for some of the ugliest computer animation you may ever see

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ok i'm done


cool I love these
make moar plox

very good fwend C:

lmfao at 2:25 in that santa vid the dad's like "okay whatever"

Wow running rabbit was amazing.

if ya ask me it doesn't get any better than the dover boys


look in the background of the druggy bunny one at 3:39 to see a familiar face.

tex avery is perhaps the most impressive cartooinst ever born. he could really make fun of whatever you put in front of him. and make it nicely.

lamo I had a cock tail : D

i CANT BELIEVE IT im 17 years old and I still laugh at those silly cartoons. oh boy I wish I was a kid again. : )

well consider, when these cartoons were made, they were made for adults

I thought it was bee drill :(

i'll be honest i thought it was zigzagoon

Tex is truly a great animator. I mean his style is so elegant but so broad and funny. Also... DeBlob looks so great. But people are going on about how its too kiddy. I really dont see why people complain as long as the game like that maintains impressive animations its fun you know?

i hate hardcore gamers and how everything they play has to be EXTREME and DARK and GRIM
what the fuck happened to this culture

Holy Shit! I used to worship that opera cartoon.

i have an altar that i baptize every day devoted to it

Say zekey are you actually in the biz? You certainly know your shit.

like, you could be writing books or something.

i am a cashier at a video rental store with broken dreams....and a broken heart


The third to last one was very nicely animated, but what the fuck?

lol lol

The most memorable part in Magical Maestro has to be when he plucks that film grain on the side of the screen. I want to know how many people laughed at that when this cartoon was first screened in theaters. Leaves me in stitches every time!

It's bullshit to know today that this specific cartoon is sometime labeled offensive and is aired with the "racist" parts edited out or banned from tv altogether.

and yet they dont edit out the often terrifying violence of tom and jerry

something is very wrong with tv censors these days.

they can say "bullshit" and "nigger" on tv shows but they have to edit old cartoons?

what the hell?

There's no end X3!
The santa one was the worst.

Tom and Jerry really is violent, it's so sadistic sometimes. Shame it's never on TV anymore, and when it IS on, it's always a shitty Chuck Jones one that's hardly violent at all and SUCKS

lol rofl lmao

That horrible 3d animation reminds me of the firse Alone in the Dark game.

i only ever watch a few of these when you make a post because it takes longer for the video to load than for me to watch it, you see

it's infuriating because the connection is just barely too slow to stream these-- i have to wait til it's about halfway through before i can watch the whole thing start to finish


Oh right, cartoons. I liked the magical maestro one quite a bit. It just goes to show that you can indeed stretch out one simple premise over a good 6 minutes or so, if you do it right. Are they really showing this with all the racist bits cut out? Oh come on, world, fuck you. I watched Bugs Bunny at my grandma's house, full of enormous-lipped black-skinned numbskulls, and never gave a thought to the fact that they were racist caricatures of negros. I'd like to hear their reasoning behind cutting them, then all right fuck this i'm done writing

Oh man, Wolf Tracer. I had heard the legends, but never knew they were really this bad. I couldn't help but notice one of the "Bash Street Kids" was named Zeke. The songs in that santa shit one were so horrible. Screeching, grating voices and smirkingly cutesy lyrics. EXTINCT? WHO'S EXTINCT NOW?

imagine the looney tunes theme music being played in my right ear, overlayed with Nena's 99 Luftballons in the other. It is a surreal experience.


tex avery was truly a god among insects.

well... im not sure what to make of the wolf tracer... how long ago were those made? and the cat with hands was predictable, but just creepy enough to still shock me.
and i completely forgot about the maestro one, thanks for reminding me about it. effing cartoon network not showing looney toons anymore...

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