me and a good friend discuss the internet crap
fell free to post tl:dr i dont care anymore
squ0f: do you like people commenting on your art
squ0f: sometimes i feel like i would rather just not show anyone anything i make
Fololo 311: sometimes i do. most of it i put online as insurance in case my shitty pc dies and i lose everything
squ0f: yeh lmao
Fololo 311: who is this anyway?
squ0f: squeef monkeyfargher14
Fololo 311: why'd you change your screenname
squ0f: i dont know
squ0f: why do i do anything anymore
squ0f: ive really hated my old screen name for quite some time
squ0f: if you need more concrete reasoning that you wouldnt dfffff
Fololo 311: i hate mine too
Fololo 311: i used to try to get zekey deleted
squ0f: mm
Fololo 311: by annoying wade
Fololo 311: but that never worked
squ0f: ;/
squ0f: and now
squ0f: your name is loved by
squ0f: i dont know tons of people
Fololo 311: fags
squ0f: yeh lmfao
squ0f: god that one thread
squ0f: in art
squ0f: lmaooo
Fololo 311: please dont remind me
squ0f: ok
squ0f: but still lOL
Fololo 311: that stuff just depresses me
squ0f: im sorry man
Fololo 311: its like
Fololo 311: the whole point of why i do what i do is because i want people to think for themselves
squ0f: and then they become your little drove of fanboys
Fololo 311: and that thread is like the complete opposite
Fololo 311: yes exactly
squ0f: i
squ0f: dont even know how it came about
squ0f: i guess frontpage movies by you?
squ0f: oh well
Fololo 311: yeah
Fololo 311: some people dont even know i'm a star syndicate member
squ0f: yeah
Fololo 311: and get enraged when i submit spam
squ0f: thats great when they are like i love zekey but hate ss
Fololo 311: its like 'where the fuck have you been?"
squ0f: umm zekey loves ss?? yeh
squ0f: shit
squ0f: lmao i love that one thread by you still i think i always will
squ0f: moon myndicate, piclownjews, all arguing.
squ0f: mmm
Fololo 311: yes
Fololo 311: oh man the fun i had that night
squ0f: thats funny shit
squ0f: yeahh
Fololo 311: yeh
squ0f: it went for like 6 pages too didnt it
Fololo 311: yep
Fololo 311: f00d spoiled it twice and still noone got it
squ0f: yeahh
squ0f: there is always gonna be that one thing about ng
squ0f: stupid gullible people there for the taking
Fololo 311: yep
squ0f: mm
squ0f: oh well
Fololo 311: i should post this convo
Fololo 311: on ng
squ0f: lmao
squ0f: i think i have chat logs set up now
Fololo 311: mmm
squ0f: i mean not that you couldnt just copy past,,,,,
squ0f: this aim log is nice
Fololo 311: mmfff
squ0f: f
squ0f: zekeys dark not-so-secret secret
Fololo 311: "how zekey got toadies"
squ0f: shit
squ0f: make a flash
Fololo 311: i am too lazy to do that
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: what if someone else makes it
Fololo 311: bleeeechhhh
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: well what are you gonna do
squ0f: just let this go on
squ0f: not care
Fololo 311: i have to
Fololo 311: i've been thinking after polypeptide of just leaving the internet for a while
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: i figured youd say that
squ0f: damn i have esp or some shyt
Fololo 311: or maybe i'll give all my accounts to blue hippo for a while and use the net just for watching films
squ0f: heel yeuh
squ0f: he keep your lvl and b/p nice for you
squ0f: cuz........ that is good thing 2 have...........
Fololo 311: gffdsadfsdf
squ0f: that dude
squ0f: has got so many acounts
squ0f: jesus
Fololo 311: its cause hippo is a trustworthy and loyal guy
squ0f: yeah
squ0f: i would like to be done with high school
squ0f: really
Fololo 311: yes on adult swim right now
Fololo 311: high school is horrible
Fololo 311: i didnt learn shite.
squ0f: gay timezones metalocalypse is on for me
squ0f: i know
squ0f: its tons of work for nothing
Fololo 311: metalozalypse is good too
squ0f: i guess im not a fan
Fololo 311: oh well ffff
squ0f: i like that its made in flash though, it is good for flish
Fololo 311: alot of stuff is flash these days
squ0f: not really a fan of any of adult swims humor
squ0f: i know?? damn
squ0f: it should be easy to get a nice flash job
squ0f: oh i didnt say that in like a mad at you tone ffff
squ0f: i mean yeh
Fololo 311: yeah you'd think it would be
squ0f: lmao if ng expands and needs people id work for them
squ0f: shit
squ0f: or for AS
Fololo 311: i'd work for them too probably
squ0f: i dont know i hate thinking about the future
squ0f: it just makes me depressed that ill probably never go anywhere
Fololo 311: although it'd be awkward
squ0f: lmao yeah
squ0f: oh hey i kind of tried to bring your site down um
squ0f: pay me
Fololo 311: hey you're still in high school you have time
squ0f: i have a horrible work ethic too though
squ0f: like i havent even done homework in like 3 weeks
squ0f: holee shyt
Fololo 311: i always did my homework on the bus
squ0f: true
squ0f: but i have to ride a bike
who gives a fuckin shit anyway WHY ARE YOU HERE YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO
and now to end this post with a HEE LAIR EE US picture as always
I am so confused right now.
good good