View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

talentless hack



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ZekeySpaceyLizard's News

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - November 27th, 2008

This edition was heading towards "weird japanese things" this time around. But I'm holding off on posting too much weird japan stuff. Japan has enough nonsensical animation to bloat 10 of these posts.

Chances are your thanksgiving was quiet and your stomach is now greasy and rotund with the meal of turkey and/or possum you have delicately quaffed.

And to help you relax, a nice relaxing song and video from TOBIAH
"I Love Your Music"
which seems to be a war between pink prism people and 8-bit monsters.

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I think chiptunes and turkey go together quite well
and so to continue the theme

by Jonas Tunander

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now something a little sweeter

Lulu Mae

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Now for some weird Japan stuff.

As some of you may recall, I've made about 2 or 3 posts now where I've posted various things by Koji Morimoto (Memories, Animatrix). In fact in my first post I believe I posted his Noiseman Sound Insect film because I loved it so much. And I think in my last one I posted a bunch of music videos he directed.
Noiseman Sound Insect was the one I posted about the robot that ate noise and people and spit them up as little drunken ghosts. There was a character in it named Dr.Franken. Now as I said in some other post, Dr.Franken was a character from a short film Morimoto had worked on.

Specifically a frightening and imaginative blend of short films from the creators of Akira known as


Pretty much all the gods of good modern japanese animation (not shite like bakugan) worked on these films. They still look as great as anything today.

AND THEY WERE MADE IN FUCKING 1987 HOLY SHIT. It also has a quick cameo of Tetsuo from Akira.
Anyway, a kindly person has put the whole film on youtube.
I'm just going to post my favorite bits, since hey its my ng blog and fek u.

The Theme of Robot Carnival is robots. Each film deals with the future and technology in some bizarre and fascinating fashion, and its a real treat these things havent been forgotten.

SO HERE WE GO. Each part is about 10 minutes long. And are for the most part, frightening and emotionally upsetting in some way. And brilliant.

directed by Atsuko Fukushima who would later go on to animate on Kiki's Delivery Servive from Studio Gibli and directed a segment in last year's GENIUS PARTY

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by the aforementioned Koji Morimoto

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NIGHTMARE by Takashi Nakamura
who later went on to become the backround artist in Akira and and direct Catnapped and Fantastic Children

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Those were made in 1987.
And all the dudes behind that are still making great stuff today.

On the other end of the anime spectrum, here is some stuff that I really can't explain at all.

First, this amusing and strange commercial for some food, which upon looking at other commercials for it, appears to be brown beans floating in a transparent fluid. Yum.

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Everytime you eat tomatoes from now on
you will remember this next vid
and feel pity for the poor fruit

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Here, a ridiculously adorable caterpillar addresses the audience on the proper methods of balloon bouncing.

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Now, on the other side of the pond, Michel Gagne. I've talked about Gagne before. He's worked on all sorts of animated films. Osmosis Jones, Iron Giant, Ratatouille.
And I've also posted his award winning short film PRELUDE TO EDEN which has become a huge cult classic since he made it.
This is an old OLD student film of his.
And as you can see, his amazing talent at animating fire and lasers and fluids was apparent even back then.
this was made in 1985


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Here's some neat typography animation a friend showed me.

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I posted a bunch of rap and hip hop videos from various artists last time and people seemed to enjoy it so here's another video from the stones throw album

from the illustrious MF DOOM

Monkey Suite

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Most people know Ralph Bakshi because he was one of the most revolutionary cartoonists in the 60's 70's and 80's choosing to make more personal adult animation than doing what all the corporations were doing.
However, he did make a handful of "cute" cartoons
and this is one of them
Marvin Digs (1967)

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I love when people cut up cartoons and make little fantrailers with them.
Some of them are so well done they get a good laugh out of me
this is one of them

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And thats it for this week.
Have a happy thanksgiving!!!!

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - November 24th, 2008

Life's like a movie, write your own ending
Keep believing, keep pretending
We've done just what we set out to do.
Thanks to the lovers, the dreamers, and you.

Why are there so many songs about rainbows?

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - November 19th, 2008

zib zab zoobedy ah zib zabba zeeba

More stuff this week to inject into your pupils with the needle that is your monitor screen.

These first two films are neat because they do things i really have never seen done with cartoon content before. Both inventive.
The first one is an adventure in a world where everyone are little paper people who are strung along via ziplines on their heads.

Le Faux Pli

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The second one is neat because there's no real characters or events. Its a cartoon about a room which appears to be some sick person's mind. It also has some of the coolest narration I've heard in an animated short in a while.

Tidy Monster

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some more godly animation from the incredible students at Gobelins


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Émile et les Fabuleux Petits Monsieurs

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here's a couple of films from lambert and hicks

Safe Self Tester
an odd music video

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Look at the Monkey
i dunno wtf this is

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Raise them on Robinsons
an advert with a really cute art style

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i dont particularly like this band, but this music video is pretty neat
new found glory - all downhill from here

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Ah Pook is Here
wonderful stop motion film from 1994 made by Philip Hunt of the godly Studio AKA
chances are you've seen clips of this but here's the whole film.

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Windows Masks & Doors
crazy clockwork box puppet show. loopy eye candy
my personal favorite thing i've found recently.

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cute film about a paper folder who folds his smelly city into something much nicer

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Luke Vibert

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Les Processus
A really interesting little cgi short. The cgi has been rendered so it looks like engravings. i've never seen anything done like this before.

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Technically not a cartoon but puppetry. Fascinating a bit disturbing anyway. Here it is, WPS linked me to this....

The Dancing Pig
circa 1907 (holy crap!)

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Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - November 12th, 2008

I think its time I insert a bit of modern culture into these posts.

Inject some life on this side of the island.

So here we go.

Cut Chemist

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MF Doom - All Caps

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the late J DILLA
Nothing Like This

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Take It Back

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just for the kick

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Paul Steel
honkin on my crack pipe

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is a woman

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Hearts a Mess

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anyway enough of that

here's some odds and ends that I think you'll enjoy

Western Spaghetti by amazing stop motion animator, PES

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Umb. A very freaky film from Jerusalem. music by Sigur Ros

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Robert Clampett's "Wagon Wheels" cartoon
if you were lucky enough to be a kid when cartoon network and nickelodeon still showed Loony Toons, you might remember this hilarious short.

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Wakko's 2 Note Song
first animaniacs cartoon I ever saw. Still my favorite.

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what is this i dont even

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Shonen Knife - I'm a Supergirl

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made by the same guy who did that "Honkin on my Crack Pipe" music video I posted above. A bloke named Andy Martin

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and thats all for this time around. Enjoy.

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - November 4th, 2008

Halloween is officially over
And I got to work a nice 4pm to 3am shift at work setting up the christmas shit. MERRY HOLIDAYS.

So to lighten the mood with some ninjatunes here's some of Mr.Scruff's animated music videos
If you dont listen to this guy, well you should! He's also a very nice fellow!

sweet smoke

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and a song anyone who has ever seen a car commercial should recognize
Get a Move On

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Long ago there was this french website called INCORECT. It was the creation of 3 french media artists. It was one of the wildest and most perverted art websites I think there ever was. Disturbing drawings, insane cartoons in all sorts of different art styles and genres, short films, porn, and snuff films.
They had alot of great varied little flash cartoons as well. Sadly back in like 2006, a new frontpage was added to the site claiming they were going to not have it up anymore. And time passed, things slowly were removed and nothing was left.
Its sad because all these little cartoons that inspired me so much are no longer around. And there's no way to get ahold of any of them.
However, one tiny fracture of their stuff remains
a short flash film they won an award for years ago
called SUICID

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The Residents released a film long ago called Gingerbread Man that was basically a long series of musically synced animated shorts. Almost all of which were bizarre and disturbing and yet fun.
So here's a few.

the old woman

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easter woman

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amber (fuckin lol at this one)

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George Pal 1938
with new soundtrack

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no explanation necessary

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And this wonderful chemical brothers music video where a young man is haunted by a car-building assembly line robot!

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And because I promised I would post more student work
here is Isam Prado's demo reel which is full of all sorts of lovely things

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thats it!

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - October 26th, 2008

first the confession: my name is saad. and i dont give a fuck



Okay. So.
Today's post is dedicated to Eurasia and the wonderful things that have come out of it.

Of all the places on earth, Russia probably has the weirdest animation industry. Remember that "Worker & Parasite" joke on the Simpsons? With the weird Itchy and Scratchy? Well thats actually pretty accurate.
Of course alot of Russian animation is animated ALOT better than that. Anyways.

We have a few Russian flash artists on Newgrounds (most people know kolbelov and skarydoll by this point) and see the kind of mindbending stuff they and the rest of KOMS.RU guys make. But that is, quite literally the tip of the iceberg.
Russia's animation industry isnt nearly as commercial as most other places, and so there's a swell of independent animation there.


First is some films by Ivan Maximov (whose cartoons I love dearly).
He was born in 1958, he started making cartoons in 1989, and still makes them. And they are all GREAT. This guy manages to tell very cute and sometimes hilariously perverse stories pretty much all without the use of speaking.

So here is a big ol pile of them

From left to right
student film

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Rain Down from Above (2007)
an adorable natural disaster

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Slow Bistro
an odd musical cartoon about the time between placing an order and receiving one's meal at a poor restaurant

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Wind Along the East Coat (2003)
another adorable natural disaster (contains fish milking)

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odd film about how relationships are defined by small strings tying little characters together

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Provincial School
anyone who's been to a public jr. high school should identify with this

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About two prisoners. One trying to escape via a tunnel.

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Blue Pool
Now this is NOT by Maximov. Its by someone who worked with him on one of his films. But you can see the influence in her work. I think this is about evolution in a way.

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This next film is by Igor Kovalyov

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Rinat Gazizov made this film I'm sure alot of college animation students have seen at least once.
Midnight Games.

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Whats odd about Midnight Games is that it reminds me alot of the Dark Light film by Jan Svankmajer, who works alot with stop motion animation, and whom I promised someone I'd post some of his films in this post as well.

Now Jan is not russian he is from the Czech Republic.

anyway here's that film I just mentioned

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This is my personal favorite film by Jan. BREAKFAST (hello tyrannosaurus alan).
Its part of a trilogy of films he made. Which includes Lunch and Dinner of course. They use the animation type known as pixelation where humans and real life objects are animated with stop motion. It also used a bit of claymation as well.

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Meat Love

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A long time ago Svankmajer also made his own version of Alice in Wonderland. Its very grim. Alot of puppets made out of animal skeletons. The White Rabbit is an actual stuffed taxidermist rabbit for example.
Here's a scene from that. Some video stores carry this movie on dvd. I know mine does.

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And here's a rare 2d animation by him

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And now to end this post, THE COOKIE CARNIVAL
great old silly symphonies cartoon. props to B-cube

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and thats it for this week

Great Cartoons PART 55555 + I have a confession to make

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - October 18th, 2008

Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I'd go beserk? you left me anyhow and then the days got worse and worse and now you see i've gone completely out of my mind.

Today's Great Cartoons post is brought to you by the letter A

Today's post is going to be shorts from two very different artists. One of whom you recognize from some of the best films from the japan, and other helped shape your childhood with her many short musical interludes for Sesame Street.

First the latter.
Sally Cruikshank made alot of bits and pieces from Sesame Street. If you grew up in the 80's or early 90's you should be able to recognize her bizarre and unique visual style right off the bat. She also did some intros for a few movies.
And best of all, she has a Youtube account herself.

Now for some reason she has disabled embedding on one of them, and its my personal favorite one. So to see it you'll have to follow this link.

more things by her for oldschool Sesame Street.
The Island of Emotion

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(warning: really catchy song)

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She's also made several short films which are even more bizarre and imaginative that the things she made for sesame street.
This one is a particular favorite of alot of people due to having a really bizarre soundtrack composed by Danny Elfman.

Face like a Frog
I cant describe what this thing is like. It is nucking futs.

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Now this next bit is another couple of things from sesame street. One is animation and one is more like a machination. But both should be familiar to anyone who grew up watching the show.

The alligator king

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The next big chunk of this post is about Koji Morimoto. One of main brains behind Akira, Memories, Mindgame, and The Animatrix. Also the director of Studio 4c's first GENIUS PARTY (a collection of wildly inventive short cartoons).
In fact, I think in my first ever post of one of these GREAT CARTOONS things (back when front page posts actually mattered), I believe I posted one of my favorite films by him, Noiseman Sound Insect. Which was a sequel of sorts to his Franken's Gears cartoon short.

Anyway enough blather.

This is a music video he did back in 1995 for musician Ken Ishii
You can see that Koji is a big fan of cyberpunk futurism.

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Dimensional Loop

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koji morimoto and michael arias (who made tekkonkinkreet) made this neat 30 second spot together

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Now these next two were suggested by Mindchamber. These are old HBO shorts that used to run on tv a while ago.
Apparently this pinball one gets deleted off youtube all the time so see it as quick as possible.
Arcade Attack

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i love the combo of 2d and 3d in this

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This next thing is a commercial for a game. I normally wouldnt post such a thing but this game uses a very neat art style. And was made entirely by 2 guys. Thats impressive. Also its a good game.

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Now in my last post I said I was going to start posting more student films and Luis seemed to think it was a pretty good idea. So, here we goooooo.

a french student film

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Geraldine by the uber-talented (and someone I greatly admire) french artist Arthur de Pins who's made a whole slew of short films, the majority of which are done in flash. He uses masking and shape tweens like noone else I know. But he doesnt use them hardly at all in this early short by him.
An funny cartoon about a man who wakes up as a woman.

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And the animation reel of my friend Catoblepas who is probably one of the best animators on this site.

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And thats all for this one. Good day!

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - October 11th, 2008


see that
thats a combination of 2 things.

a) a book i once nearly made long ago combined with an art book i decided to make recently. thats right, if you want a published tome of my art (most of which you've already seen or can see on campnorth) and dont mind paying 24 dollars for it, then lol, have fun. Other than some old monster vector art and some high-res versions of some paintings you've probably already seen, the book is mostly comprised of things that you've probably seen already. But it seems like everyone has an art book these days so being the trendwhore I am, it seemed only natural to follow suit.

b.) it served as a test for the eventual poetry/art book me and my longtime chum mike are collaborating on. i dont think this site is going to provide what i need to do the poetry book. so if anyone knows any other better 'publish your own book for free' sites like lulu, let me know. cause it took like 5 hours to put together that art book. 5 horrible horrible hours. i need a site thats a bit more customizable and user friendly


Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - October 8th, 2008

Halloween is soon. Best time of the year, I think. Why? The world is bathed in cool shit based completely around death and the supernatural. All passing itself off as cute and harmless. It is so morbidly contradictory.
And unlike christmas you dont have to spend a fortune on family members you cant stand being around any more.
If this year's Thanksgiving reaches the status of last year's though, it may soon replace All Hollow's Eve in my heart. Even now, I can taste that delicious popeye's turkey my cousins sent in the mail. Just thinking about it fills my mouth with warm viscous fluid.

what was this post about again?

oh cartoons.

so anyway, for halloween here is a short film (not really a cartoon tbh but it does use alot of cgi) called Harvey.
Its about a man with a very unique problem.
I am warning you now, THIS FILM IS NOT WORK SAFE. And even if you are home, if you have a weak stomach, stay away.
Its rather.......stomach churning.


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I shall continue the spooky stuffs with this music video for Daft Punk. No cartoon animation in this, but unique puppetry. Daft Punk did have some glorious animated music videos made for them quite a few years ago.
Who doesn't love a skinless robot baby?


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Now after watching those, you probably feel uneasy.

So lets lighten the mood with something hilarious.

starring Frazzlebean Huckleberry
I think this was animated in flash. Mainly because the studio behind it primarily use flash. I may be wrong though.

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The next thing is a student film.
And I honestly could probably fill hundreds of posts with student films. Cause there hundreds of them. From all over the world.

And like 94% of them are little masterpieces of brilliance. Maybe the next one of these posts will be all student films. I'll probably need Mrat's help to do that.


Here is one I particularly love

Icarus and the Tree Herder

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The band MAN MAN put out a new e-album recently. And as usual I found out several months late. Figures.
Here is their odd animated music video from their new album, Rabbit Habbits

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Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture is a kooky manga about a young man in college who realizes he can see pathogens and other microscopic single-celled creatures. And wouldnt you know it, they are cute and adorable and have odd little adventures.

The Manga is getting an english translation as we speak. The anime, who knows.
There's quite a bit of it on Youtube. Fiendishly cute. And one of those things I wish I had thought of first.

This is the intro for the anime. And as you can see its insanely good cgi on live action backrounds.

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After the horrific disaster that was the American Godzilla (starring matthew broderick who has been in more bad movies than anyone and yet is still a marketable actor), TOHO (the studio who have always made godzilla amongst other things), started making Godzilla films again.

But they stayed away from cgi for the most part. Except for Godzilla final wars, which had the age-old "guy in monster costume" routine, mixed with insane matrix-esque special effects.

This scene is a dream sequence from the movie Its Always Sunset on Third Street. It contains an insanely fucking awesome fully cgi Godzilla thrashing the hell out of a town. I'd love to see a whole movie done this way.
Closest we've come is Cloverfield. And.....maybe The Host.

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This next thing is another video by Chad Vangaalen.
I posted his Molten Light music video in my last Great Cartoons post. Dont remember?


Yeah. That one that freaked everyone out.
This one is far more tame and has less crazy undead mutant green zombie women.
Flower Gardens

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And no halloween is complete without THESE

a bit of Richard D James
i love chris cunningham's stuff so much

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a bit more of Aphex Twin
when my brother first linked me to this I thought it was real. I was frightened out of my mind. And then....then the techno started. Still creepy though. Some AMAZING special effects. Cunningham again.

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Tim Burton's film Vincent
good old stop motion

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by Adam Phillips

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Thats all. Have a happy halloween and remember to put as many razor blades into your candy as you can stuff. G'night!


Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - October 3rd, 2008

no new animation links = no wasting a front page post.

so today we will discuss BIG MEATY CLAWS.

wait no

* Topic is 'Welcome to Chat-World! Stay awhile and Have fun! Remember to be nice to others and speak ENGLISH at all times || this ISN'T a counterstrike channel or any other game channel - so dont ask for a pcw'

now that that's out of the way

here is a polypeptide screenshot
so you know i am still working on it, amongst things for a couple of other animators.