today's frontpage post contains an epic prologue where me and several other chaps discuss matters that are only important to people on the basically things noone gives a shit about
<reptilicus> rtil more like rtibuttox am i rite guys ?????
<rtil> if i see that please say something link one more time i swear to god
<J_Seed> lmfao
<reptilicus> are we talking about the cgi toon
<reptilicus> with the cat and the mouse
<J_Seed> yeah that
<reptilicus> jay are you going through my youtube favs
<J_Seed> nop
<reptilicus> do i have to get out the trout?
<J_Seed> ive just been seein that link everywhere
<J_Seed> even boogley made a fp post about it
<reptilicus> he did?
<reptilicus> fuck
<reptilicus> i was gonna post it in my next cartoons post
<J_Seed> i never watched it tho
<J_Seed> yeh he said sumthin about you
<reptilicus> WAT
<reptilicus> link me to that fucker
<reptilicus> i'll murdalize 'im
<reptilicus> while i animate with my right hand i will engage in internet war with my left
<reptilicus> because i am DOUBLE NEGATIVE
(after 2 minutes of immature flaming on another person's userpage i return)
<reptilicus> there
<reptilicus> done
<J_Seed> you sure pwned him
<reptilicus> i sho deed
<J_Seed> you didnt hurt him alot did you ;(
<reptilicus> i only broke.................................
......his heart
<reptilicus> i really do hate these faggots complaining about my fp posts
<reptilicus> i hate em a big ol bunch
<J_Seed> who complains about em?
<reptilicus> well other than boogly, lazymuffin, shirtturtle, a few others
<J_Seed> why complain about em
<reptilicus> because apparently finding obscure neat cartoons and linking ng to them
<reptilicus> is a bad thing
<reptilicus> when i should be using the fp to update people on videogame collabs and events in my boring life
<rtil> make an fp post complaining about people who complain about fp posts
<reptilicus> i think i will make my fp post
<reptilicus> a combination of that idea
<reptilicus> and my usual ones
<reptilicus> for super meta irony points +15
<J_Seed> also keerbiffer
<reptilicus> jay i already posted keerbiffer i aint postin it again you big butt
<J_Seed> no one clicked it did they?
<reptilicus> noone clicks anything i link to
<J_Seed> only like, 1 guy looked at it i think
<reptilicus> well that 1 guy is a lucky man
<J_Seed> geez, most of the fp posts now are "I'm only posting this to knock ______ off the front page"
<reptilicus> yep good ol newgrounds
tl:dr fuck you
with that out of the way, the first 4 films that are going in this weeks post were linked to me by Mindchamber. a man with a love of robots that dwarfs even my own great love of robots.
the first thing is this cool monstrous music video
its neat how the DnB song is made up mostly of the sounds of a printer. i love when people use everyday objects to create music
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All Hell is Breaking Loose
like cel shading and mediEvil had a baby
a musical baby
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Billion Dollar Gravy
i love the cool pastel colors in this. it makes it all look....creamy? i dont know of a good word to describe it. crazy sort of vinyl toy art style
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Cum Dancing
interesting to note there is no cum or dancing in this film
the music rather reminds me a bit of mr.scruff
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this next toon was linked to me by JoeyPwnsJoo
its a short little sand animation about the 7 deadly sins
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last post i talked alot about winsor mckay. today i am mentioning that Art Spiegelman has a new book out. i was at the bookstore last night and BAM there it was between the dc comics and the graffiti photo art books.
and theres even a neat animated trailer for the book. i dont think i've seen a trailer for a book before, but here's one now:
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this is a rather scary claymation that wps linked me to
i dont know who made it or what is happening. but its cool to look at.
nightmare fuel
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and now for a couple of classics everyone needs to see at least once in their lives before they die a horrible death from cancer or some other incurable malady:
starring everyone's favorite ornery navy sailor: Popeye
i could probably fill a whole post with world war 2 cartoons.
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and Bambi Meets Godzilla
winner of the coveted "Most Anticlimactic Ending in the History of Film" trophy
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also when the hell is this getting translated to english and brought to america already?
its been AGES now
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and now to change gears a bit, despite being a 5 hour long epic butchered to 2.8 hours, the Watchmen was pretty great. anything i didnt like about the film was the same stuff that irked me a bit in the book (i.e. how once everyone is inside Adrian's Big Science House of Doom and Squids the story slows and the tension dies a good bit).
other than that, a damn good film. didnt even feel like 3 hours. although thats probably because i pissed before i went in.