first off, go see Coraline
it is adorable and disturbing and full of great music as well
first things first.
in my last couple of posts I posted some commercials for various refreshments. Those being KIA-ORA and WEETABIX ads from the 80's.
As it turns out, there were TWO MORE kia-ora commercials and like 10 weetabix ads.
And they are all fun to watch.
First the next two Kia Ora ads
first this one done in the same style as the original
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and the second one
done in a very different art style
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I dont know whats more pathetic. A crow that is starved for a fruity drink that has to break the law in order to get it, or a white rabbit trying to get trix only to have its ass beat upon by small horrid children.
And now
more Weetabix. I'd post them all, but then this blog post would freeze too many browsers.
Its interesting to note how much better the animation in these commercials get as time goes on.
the last two look like disney or don bluth made them
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join the weetabix in a parody of Indiana Jones
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join the weetabix as they witness the pitiful death of a dinosaur after traveling back in time, and dont do one damn thing to help it. WHY? BECAUSE THEY ARE TOUGH GUYS THATS WHY
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and finally here is a weetabix commercial that seems to be 1-part Heavy Metal, 1-part Dungeons and Dragons, and 1-part Rock n Rule
who wouldnt want a breakfast that SHOOTS MAGIC and defeats giant horrifying black blobs of demonic power?
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right O
so thats all the sequels to the last two posts
so here's stuff that is unrelated but still cool:
my friend Psi43 showed me this
it is rather cute
a cgi music video about a girl and her giant pet frog toad thing
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And this old Death Cab for Cutie music video I forgot existed for Crooked Teeth
it involves cardboard
and puppets
and explosions
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And I wasnt even aware Moby ever had any other music videos other than the one with Christina Ricci for his Natural Blues song
so I was most amused to find this one which looks like a doodle someone made while bored brought to life via animation
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And this is the neatest thing I've seen lately
this animated music video has vomiting bees, crows with tank treads, and other weird shit I cannot describe
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