okay what
i reviewed this before
and you deleted the whole dang flash to just fix an easter egg?
you KNOW you can just swap the .swf files, right?
anyway, imma just copy-paste the one i left before:
"very nice"
by: ZekeySpaceyLizard
date: 11 hours ago"
"good staging of your shots.
it never got too visually confusing.
you used two different styles of animation in here. and i think when you do your pose-to-pose stuff (like the shot when they are in the sleigh right after they beaned frosty the snowman in the head) looked SOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the parts where you made the characters out of symbols and tried to slide em around to simulate movement.
but you did a bit more pose-to-pose than the symboled animation, so good for that.
also those lightning bolts of green at the beginning looked cool.
you should try doing more effects animation. (smoke, dust, lasers, fire, water, etc) cause i think you'd be quite gewd at it."