I like that, as opposed to trying to get voice actors to attempt to imitate the cast of the game, you instead used actual sounds from the game.
Which is a good idea. I doubt there's too many people online who can do a voice as deep and russian as the Heavy.
Also the whole theme felt like a real "Meet The" with the whole pseudo-interview mixed with scenes of a character doing their thing inter-spliced. Although honestly this is nowhere near good enough for you to need to stick "This ISNT THE REAL ONE GUYS" which is dumb to see there.
Noone is gonna think Valve made this. I mean its 2d for christs sake.
Whoever you got doing the Spy's voice did a good job. The spy doesnt have alot of lines in the game, BUT the voice you chose for the Spy in this, does indeed sound like the character.
So with these factors alone, the characterization and humor in this elevates it above your typical crappy newgrounds video game parody.
The animation in this is rather inconsistent.
It jumps from being funny caricatures of the characters with somewhat sloppy tweened animation (the scene with the sandvich, the scene with the pyro), and then flies into the other end of the spectrum where the animation was more traditional but alot jerkier and alot funnier (the demoman getting stabbed in the neck, the scout running away, etc).
Also, the spy doesnt look much like the spy. With the other characters you managed to capture their faces pretty well. But the spy has a huge nose. Where was his nose man?
ok im done typing hnnnnnggggg