I try very hard these days NOT to write bad reviews on things, but I feel I really have to in this instance, seeing as I love Bioshock and all the reviews on this are so hilariously overscored due to fanboys.
First, it's great that you played Bioshock. It's bad that you made this parody. It's also bad that alot of the graphics in this are traced. Every bioshock flash made since the game was released have all traced the same Big Daddy concept art that is readily available on the game's official site.
I cant understand WHY people trace these. It doesnt make the drawings any more realistic. And honestly, I'd much rather see someone's own art style forming an interpretation of a Big Daddy instead of the same bland traced flash drawings used in every Bioshock flash ever.
So I'm just going to assume you have no artistic integrity as your Big Daddy accused. I guess you cant animate either as all the characters were bad pencil-tool drawings whose 2-3 body parts were paintfully tweened around with motion tweens. Hardly animation and painful to look at.
The backrounds were traced bitmaps.
You also forgot to tell any jokes in this. But I'm quite certain this wasnt meant to be a comedy because nothing funny happened in it. Just characters gabbling stuff at each other.
Pointing out the obvious isnt funny. "you're supposed to be looking for a little sister" Oh I GET IT! He's not doing his job. What an absolute barrel of laughs. :/
Oh and you stuck the Charlie the Unicorn characters in this. Oh that's trendy. As opposed to poking fun at the situations in the game, instead you referenced a popular flash in order to get something people recognized into the cartoon to ensure they would vote 5. Well how very clever. You ripped the Unicorns straight from the flash, too. Didnt even bother to trace them.
Too much work I guess, to draw simple a unicorn.
Ironically, the chap who made "Charlie the Unicorn" and "The Last Unicorn" and "Spatula Madness" was once part of a group devoted to making good animated original films. I'm sure he'd be very proud to see his characters in this thing that represents all thats wrong with parodies these days.
Oh Atlus rapes the Little Sister. Man, you sure are edgy. EDGY IN YOUR FACE TO THE X-TREME.
Also, you may or may not have any friends, but its never a good idea to do all the voices yourself. Especially if you can only do one voice. Each character sounded the same. Like a bad Cheech Marin impression. Had the dead raped little sister spoke, I'm sure she'd have sounded just like everyone else.
Actually, that would have made this funny.
Wasted potential really. I would have given this a zero but then that abused M-Bot thing would delete this review.
Either way, if you decide to try something like this in the future, don't. Just don't.
And now, to return to writing good reviews for good cartoons again.