View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

talentless hack



Joined on 8/23/03

Exp Points:
6,400 / 6,940
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Vote Power:
6.62 votes
Police Lieutenant
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Do you smoke weed?
What's your favorite cartoon series?
Do you hate to wipe your ass, but do it anyway for hygiene?

1.) i drive a 1992 corsica

2.) Merry Melodies and Looney Toons

3.) I wipe it cause if I dont it itches like hell

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiago?

We're on the case and we're chasing her through history

Why does Wonchop want to know what you think?
Does he want you to like him?

1.) i have no idea

2.) i have no idea nor care

Also, isn't tapir_cunnilingus.gif the greatest thing ever?

yes it was.

Do you use only flash or any other programs to create the character in your movies?

Has your dad ever touched you inappropriately?

1.) I use other software for backrounds sometimes

2.) i dont think he has

How much chuck wood a would chuck fuck, if a wood chuck may fuck food?

probably alot depending on how warm the food is

How much do you have left to pay off on your student loans?

i think somewhere between 8-24 thousant dollars

why is postmodernism such a relief from modernism?

To be honest, I could never really tell the difference between them
I just label them all as "abstract"

What do you think of this:
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/46587">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/46587</a>

It started off bad, but once some of the drum n base rhythms and synths kicked in, it was a pretty fun song

K, one more question.
Would you rather suck on a 90 year old's butthole with:

A) Jelly
B) Syrup
C) All of the above.

Anything that will cancel out the taste of ancient butthole.

Could the Big Bang Theory and the theory of God be linked!?

I'd explain my own theory but I dont really feel like typing it.

1.) What was the first game that you ever owned?
2.) Is the BBS useless in your opinion?
3.) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
4.) Who is your all-time favorite flash artist on this site?
5.) If King Dedede was at your doorstep, would you let him inside?
6.) Is life going swell for you so far?

1.) Super Mario Bros 3 for the original NES in 1987, which was soon followed by Duck Hunt, Kirby's Adventure, and some sports gamed

2.) Its not useless. Just all the threads and the majority of the people posting in it.

3.) Pralines and cream. I dont know what a praline is, but holy hell they taste good with caramel and ice cream.

4.) Stuck somewhere between TooMuchSpareTime and Kol-Belov


6.) not really. but it's been decent lately.

Ohhh one last thing. Have you ever seen any of my flashes? Just curious.

afraid not, nope

Why do you have the return of ganondorf in your favorites? I thought you hated legendary frog.

How do you come up with your stuff?

1.) because its the only cartoon of his I think is any good. And I dont hate him. I just find him unwatchable. Rtil hates him. I hate illwillpress.

2.) scribbling nonsense and then calling it a cartoon

The whole "here's what it means, but no one really knows what it means, it's subjective, fuck you for trying to understand" thing confuses me too.


Would you rather:
know the answers to all questions, based on scientific theories.
know the answers to all questions, based on answers given to you by society 9this includes religion).
know the answers to all questions, based on your own assumptions and/or discoveries.
If you want, explain why.

the third option. because then I could take all the credit for discovering answers to the most important questions ever.

Has it been the third date yet?


1. I understand the origin of your Newgrounds alias, but why 'Zekey'? Is it affiliated with your real life name, is it a name you like, or is it just a name that seemed to suit the character?
2. What is the most disturbing shock image/video(s) you have ever seen?
3. Do you go on any *chans or ED?
4. Can you remember the day you signed up on Newgrounds?
5. Can you remember the approximate date (month/year) that you first went on Newgrounds, not specifically when you created your account?
6. If you were paralyzed in one specific region of your body, which part would you hate to have disabled the most?
7. Do you consider yourself funny in any way?
8. What is your favourite game that was originally platformed for DOS, if any?
9. Sega, Nintendo, Sony, or MicroSoft?
10. a) Have you ever begun a flash project that you were so dissatisfied with that you restarted or scrapped altogether?
b) If you have restarted any flash projects which you then completed and released to Newgrounds, what/which flash(es) was/were it/they?
11. If you were granted the opportunity to learn thoroughly any one language that you are not already familiar with, what language would you choose, if any? Why?
12. Would you consider yourself antisocial (not on the Internet)?
13. Are you truthfully overweight, or do you just like to say that you are (for whatever reason it may be)?
14. What is your BMI?
15. I will type a word.
What was the first thing that came to your mind, not being the definition or a synonym of the aforementioned word?
16. Do you think that the World Wide Web will still be in use in 100 years, if humanity survives that long?
17. Have you ever made a news post or posted in the BBS that was too long to type in one single post?
18. What is your most preferred dessert?
19. I am aware that you do not mind poor grammar (suspected by your lowercase typing), but does consistent incorrect spelling annoy you?
20. What is your preferred Internet browser of the following: Safari, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Konqueror, Mozilla FireFox, Opera?
21. What is your honest opinion of me from judging by my questions so far?
22. Are you ever depressed or sad often, or are you generally content throughout your everyday life?
23. Who is your favourite solo musician?
24. As shown above, does it bother you when someone types the 'unnecessary British/Canadian U'?
25. Who did/would you vote for for the 2008 presidential election, if you care enough about politics. Why?
26. What fetish or paraphilia that you have heard of that grosses you out the most, if any?
27. Are you a strongly emotional person?
28. Did you laugh when 9/11 happened?
29. What is your religious beliefs?
30. What is/was your favourite Nickelodeon show that originally aired during the 90's?
31. What is your favourite number, from 8-131?
32. What is your favourite final boss battle in a video game?
33. What is your opinion on Egoraptor, his fame and his works?
34. Have you ever had a feeling in your stomach that you were so hungry that you nearly, or felt like vomiting right then and there?
35. What is your sexuality?
36. Do you wish people would respect your personal space if they do not already?
37. Do you wish threads on the BBS on topics like incest wouldn't garner so many views and posts?
38. Would you rather bathe in menstrual blood for 1 hour or suffer erectile dysfunction for 17 days?
39. Tuesday's coming. Did you remember to bring your coat?
40. What question, if any, was your favourite to answer from all of the questions asked in all of the comments on this news post?

1.) It's the name of my comic book character. Someone already asked this.

2.) I don't know. I've seen alot. I suppose the "Guinea Pig" smut film series featuring copious realistic gore. And I've seen alot of snuff films. Guinea Pig is fake but it's vicious.

3.) I dont go to ED because its boring. Yeah its a parody of wikipedia, but nothing happens there. I hang out on /co/ on 4chan alot. And /an/ and /x/
I think I've visited all the chans at least once

4.) It was in 2002 with my brothers account. Then I forgot the password so then later I made this one in 2003

5.) of course not, you silly goose

6.) my dick

7.) hahhahahha oh jesus no

8.) QBasic Gorillas. It was a game where you threw exploding bananas at each other. I played it SO DAMN MUCH. Its why I love WORMS so much now. Also KidPix. Old art program.

9.) Nintendo. Microsoft comes in 2nd. Sega have successfully killed themselves.

10.) Yes. ALOT (read: most) of my flash cartoons are projects I abandoned, only to complete them at a later date. Only Squaresville and the Morgue are ones I worked on completely from start to finish. Oddly, they are two of my best. COINCIDENCE?

11.) Canadian

12.) Not at all. I go to parties, hang out with people. I'd say I've got a better social life than most e-nerds. Hell I just had a bonfire on the beach with some old friends last night.

13.) I weigh about 300 pounds. But I'm 6'2. I'm fat but not like...hideous. I'm like a big hairy rectangle with a head on top and arms. I could probably play professional football if I had decent arm strength and knee that wasn't gimpy.

14.) how the hell am I suppose to know?

15.) a biology textbook

16.) No. I get the feeling it will die and NEW internet will rise out of the ashes.

17.) Nope.

18.) someone already asked this

19.) normally i'm a grammar nazi. i just dont care enough these days online. i do prefer people at least TRY to spell though. Using stuff like "u" "ur" annoys me.

20.) Firefox. Even back when it was just mozilla with a dumb dinosaur mascot.

21.) that you must be extremely bored

22.) all of the above

23.) hmmm. HMMMMM. Santana I think.

24.) I have no idea what you're asking here. What? wtf?

25.) Nope. Because nothing ever changes.

26.) necrophilia. that just aint right.

27.) I try not to be

28.) Yeah all those people dying was a real LAUGH RIOT. No.

29.) I used to be a christian. Stopped that. I believe God probably exists, but I doubt he interferes with anything. Just watches us. Like we're an ant farm.

30.) Rocko's Modern Life

31.) 42

32.) The final boss in "Breath of Fire" because it was so incredibly stupidly hard and I felt like the king of damn universe when I beat it.

33.) He's a nice guy. I've only liked the recent Metal Gear Awesome, none of the others. I do wish he'd make something not about video games, but I'm not going to post rude comments on his blog all day like an ass to make him do something he doesn't want to do. Who cares anyway. He doesn't have a huge ego or act like King Dick so I have no problem with him.

34.) Not for hunger, but for thirst, yes.

35.) I like boobs and vaginas. SO I GUESS I'M GAY. Naw, I'm hetero.

36.) I have yet to have anyone invade it, but I think thats cause most dont care about it.

37.) Yes. But the bbs is full of morons, so its not like it's a SURPRISE or anything. It'd be nice if the mods would lock such threads and try to keep quality up. But only like 3 of them do their jobs anyway.

38.) WOW. Thats a really hard one to answer. I suppose the second one. Not being horny for 17 days might help my workflow.

39.) I'm feeling fat and sassy.

40.) number 33 because I got to accomplish 2 quick things by answering it.

Is it true that EVERYBODY wants a rock to wind a piece of string around?

yes it is.
except when it isn't.

Did you ever try Trauma Center: Second Opinion when I suggested it on your blog?
If so, what did you think about it?

dont got no wii, son

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