What is my immediate aspiration in life?
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.
Age 39, Male
talentless hack
Joined on 8/23/03
What is my immediate aspiration in life?
to offend as many people as possible? :)
What the fuck..?
intercourse. a penis in a vagina, mouth or butt.
Do you love me?
I barely talk to you. "tolerate" would be a better word probably.
will space ghost ever grace tthe earth with his heroic return?
he's too busy chasing that ant
If the Devil offered you anything you wanted in this world in exchange for your soul,what would you ask for?
an extra soul
Holy shit, you like QBasic Gorillas?
I always played it with my dad on good old MSDOS!
I always tried to make a tunnel through the buildings
OOOH OOOH and it's funny when you hit the sun!
he's like :O
i always liked throwing the bananas in such a way where the wind would make them blow back onto me and blow me up
made me laugh my ass off each time
QUESTION: Should I make a cartoon about one of those gorillas throwing a banana bomb at the twin towers?
only if i can help
I remember KidPix. I used to draw with that for hours and hours. I suppose it was my first foray into the digital art world.
What's your favorite thing to draw? Like, if you're just sitting and doodling on a napkin, what do you thinkof first?
usually little bug soldiers and monsters
i draw my comic book character's face alot
Do you think the majority of japan animation is horrid and corrupting this generation?
Are there any decent ones besides Miyazaki's stuff in your opinion?
Do you despise this place?
And are you having a lovely day?
1.) most american animation is just as trite and bland as japanese animation. however, it does seem that fans of anime are alot stupider. they seem more than willing to gobble up whatever crap japan tosses at us. like YuGiOh.
2.) anything by madhouse, studio4c, anything by satoshi kon, anything involving Kôji Morimoto
3.) mostly, yeah
4.) no my patio is infested by fleas and I cant do anything to fix it
i had a question but i forgotted it.....um....
oh yeah. whyve u joined the whole tom fulp 493+ days thing? it doesnt sound like a good idea for your reputation....
noone cares.
1. What is your glasses perscription? I assume you wear glasses.
2. Rank: Signs, Unbreakable, 6th Sense.
3. David Lynch, or David Fincher?
4. Woody Allen, or Martin Scorsese.
5. Tankmen or Blockhead?
6. What are your thoughts on the Mastermind series?
7. Up or down?
8. Ken or Ryu?
9. Red and white checkers, or black and white checkers?
10. Tim Burton or Henry Selick?
11. The Riddler or The Penguin?
12. J. Jonah Jameson, or Jim Gordon?
13. What is your heritage?
14. Coke or Pepsi?
15. Have you seen the episode of the Simpsons where Homer joins the army? There is a 10 minute Merry Melodies tribute/spoof in it. If you've seen it, what were your thoughts?
16. H.P. Lovecraft, or Edgar Allen Poe?
17. Who would make a better Poe, Robert Downey Jr. or Johnny Depp. Why?
18. If you weren't passionately inserting your penis into the art of animation, what would you likely be doing with your life right now?
19. DeNiro or Pacino?
20. If you could choose one out of work actor and reinvigorate his/her career, who would it be?
1.) I am very nearsighted. VERY.
2.) 6th Sense > Signs > Unbreakable > Lady in the Water
3.) Fincher.
4.) Woody hasnt made anything I've liked in years. Scorcese.
5.) so many pros and cons in each. uuugghhhhhhh.....sigh Blockhead I guess.
6.) It reminds me of Evil Con Carne. Other than that, ffff
7.) SHE CHOSE DOWN. She chose down? Was that wrong? too late now uhehehehe
8.) Chun Li
9.) Red and Black.
10.) Burton.
11.) Riddler
13.) Dominican Republic / Bahamas
14.) Coke. Pepsi is sweeter but not as rich.
15.) I havent watched the Simpsons in years, honestly
16.) Poe
17.) Christina Ricci lol lol lol
18.) i think i'd probably be dead
19.) DeNiro. The day Pacino has the balls to play a gay pirate in a kids movie, call me.
20.) Ryan Stiles
Are you a scalie?
are you a....firey?
and to answer your question: no
fetish groups are dumb
If i would one day die a sudden death and you were invited to my funeral, would you
A: cover my grave with vanilla sauce
B: cover my grave with chocolate sauce
C: cover my grave with strawberry sauce
D: cover my grave with piss
i dont have to buy piss. so piss.
I've got one. Did you know your account is banned on DeviantArt? I was going to add you to my friends list but...yeah.
i've been banned for more than a year and half now. thats why i never link to my devart page. why are people still visiting it? the art's gone. its useless.
Like squeff; what is your honest opinion of me and my artistic... shit.
i dont know who you even are
Win the lottery, or get a high paying job you love?
What can ya do when ya live in a shoe and ya ain't got no sole?
i got rhythm
in my feet
i got rhythm in my heart and soul
do you think the weak deserved to be used.
i'd prefer to see them strengthened.
What's your favourite pizza toppings?
cheese. cheese of all kinda, creeds, and quotas.