I got invited to yet another dumb art/animation community site today full of, once again, the worst things from much better sites (like newgrounds). So here's an open letter to all you nice businessmen who want me to devote my time to you.
Dont invite me to your website. Dont invite me to a site where the first thing I see is hideous art done by wapanese kids and people who seem to have crawled out of the giant poopile that is the "Sonic the Hesgehog" fanbase. Dont invite me to a site that is devoted to poor Family Guy wannabe flash cartoons all drawn with the line tool made by animators more successful than I am because they CHOOSE to be derivative. Dont invite me to your website pretending like you're doing me a service. (toons)
Stop making animation contests online giving away cash for prizes. We know you are lying. I'm still owed money by alot of you for contests I placed in. You only make these contests to get free content. We get it now. The fad is dead. All the legit animation websites know about you and your two-faced ways. Stop getting 'sponsored' by Heinz and other random food companies so you can act as if you have some money to throw around to tantalize all the penniless online animators with. It was annoying and tantalizing at first. It's just old now. (ilaugh)
Stop making false promises. Dont tell me you'll make me famous. Don't tell me it's the fast track to success. Dont tell me it will make me "as popular as Adam Phillips"
This may come as a surprise but not everyone wants to be Adam Phillips. Not everyone wants to be a star. Not everyone wants to be an inbetweener on some god-awful show that will be canceled in 1 season anyway. Dont promise me you'll help my career with your site. You wont and you cant. Because your site is just like everyone elses. Dont waste my time. (inglor)
Not everyone wants to be the next shitty flavor of the week internet e-fad shrieking 'chocolate rain' into a youtube video. Not everyone wants to be the creator of the next "edgy" thing that fat geeks can send links to each other over Facebook with. (chan)
Stop setting up 'communities'
The internet has enough of those already. And most barely scratch the surface of what an internet community is. Most 'communities' on these sites are just random hacks with their own sites posting links to their own off-site garbage and going "hey guys check out this thing I finished" and then disappearing from the 'community' until they need it to forward their own cause again or get a few more website hits. (cuppa)
Just stop.
The internet has been saturated with your constant schemes to turn the internet into a cash cow. And you have oversaturated the online animation world with it. You've nearly ruined it now.
And stop using the word "indy" when you describe your site. Anyone with brains knows your site is as 'indy' as a film festival devoted to big hollywood films featuring explosions and former comedians. (sundance)
And stop sending me messages that are clearly copied and pasted from some giant placebo pdf you keep on your desktop so that you're spared the effort of talking and typing like a human being with a personality. Sounding like a robot doesn't make you look professional. It makes you look like you were born with a wedgie.
Someone very tired of getting the same emails and messages from different suits and kids who wish they were suits.