View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

talentless hack



Joined on 8/23/03

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Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - July 26th, 2007

as pathetic as this sounds.

these userpage layouts are great for people like me. this is closest thing to an actual "website" I've ever had. Or ever will have, probably.

I should write something of interest here.

A mountain of a task for someone with little to talk about such as myself. Perhaps I should wax poetic about my love of turtles. Or write a massive story here about some odd event that has occurred to me. Intellectualism, surrealism, and sensationalism all combined into some sort of heartwarming tale of something that will make the imagination dance.

Or perhaps instead I shall type the word banana a few times.

banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana

That brings me such pleasure.
I should listen to some music. I've managed to procure myself an MP3 of "The Cat with Two Heads" by the Aquabats. A lovely song. Funny as well. But then, the Aquabats are one of those bands whose music goes hand in hand with comedy anyway. Like ween or TheyMightBeGiants or Mr. Weird Al.

I'm tired of animating for tonight. Well perhaps animating isnt quite the word. "Creating dynamic shots whilst abusing motion tweens" would be a more accurate term. My cheek itches.

banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana

It seems like every time someone on this website "hits it big" he or she entirely abandons the website. Its aggravating. Like being a site affiliate means to withdraw yourself from the people. What the hell is with that? I hate that. "Hey I'm famous now, time to sit on my high-horse and talk with nobody"
These "artists" posting on the frontpage. And nothing of value. Just a new way to link to whatever offsite shenanigans or products he or she adheres to to eek out a living. No giving back to the community. Never talking to the other members. Never giving back to the community once he or she hits it big. It's aggravating. Only coming down from their little nests in the sky down to us wee peasants on the ground if some sort of argument regarding his or her work arises. Making one solemn thoughtless post, and then away he or she goes again to disappear into the black confines of the internet. Newgrounds is no longer a place for them to be. Its simply a new way to bring attention to themselves with their droll front page advertisements.

"hey guys check out my new games website"

"hey contest based on my cartoon. the winner gets some cheese wrapped in tin foil"

"hey just checking in. please write 100 posts praising me even though I haven't talked to you all in like 2 years"

"hey guys check out my new product. what? discussing animation? oh heavens no! buy my crap please"

Of course my disgust with this sort of thing might just be mere jealousy. These people do this to make money. And it seems to work. Many of them don't need to have an actual job. They can sit around doing what they love all day. And if it means sacrificing their integrity to their fans by not talking to anyone ever, then I suppose it's justified. If I had the same chances and privileges as they do, I'd do the same thing I suppose. If one could simply animate all day and be paid for it, would one NEED to go to sites like this? To talk to people? To see how old friends are doing? It seems the answer sadly is perhaps not.
I suppose the best I can do is trust myself that should the time ever come (hahaha wishful thinking) that I actually can make some sort of career out of what it is I do, that I wont lose motivation to come here and sample fruits grown by others.

Speaking of fruits....

banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana



Your blog thingys are by far the best on Newgrounds.

Why do you say that you use too many motion tweens? >:C I think your cartoons have a great amount of frame by frame in them. Give yourself more credit.

And you make no money whatsoever from your animations? I thought you did...but I guess i'm wrong. And EVERYBODY gets snooty when they get famous for their cartoons, thats just how it works. You can tell yourself not to be before it happens, but it just ends up happening. Like you said, it's not necessary to talk to fans when people mindlessly give you attention anyway.

k i typed too much. I have no life. byebye

You truly are a starving artist, man. But that's okay, there are a lot worse things you could be. ;)

I'm not gonna get all snooty and stop talking to people if I ever "hit it big." :X

I can't say nothing more than I totally agree with you, even if i'm new on this site, I know this sort of things happen very often on other sites where you can submit things or play with other guys who are sitting on a chair at the other corner of the earth. The better they are, the more cruel they are with the newbies and those who aren't as good as them (even if they think they are the best(s)).

And... uh... (thinking of a random fruit) peach.

banana much?



Nice rant. And I totally agree. You gotta stick with the people who made you big. Or, uh, the website.

Treachery is lame.

Monkey-Boy sucks

I'm allergic to bananas. :(


As meaningless as this may sound to you I think you can "hit it big"
and if you end up forgetting us little people, well then I guess thats the way things are.

Also every time I eat bananas it activates my gag reflex causing me to throw up.

I fucking hate blogs. I couldnt even read this one which I assume didn't suck unless it was dick which were be a best thing yay.


I really thought you had a blog before, I must be thinking of somebody else then.

I do. This thing isnt really a blog.

banana split.
nice rant btw, truely true.

humpf humpf

I once got an e-mail in response to my Foamy Secret Episode that went along the lines of:



I may suck at flash, but I always respond to every single review anyone leaves me. I may be a failure at graphical prowess, but I can make a few dozen people 'lol', and that's all that matters to me. I don't care about money or front page or getting an army of 13-year-old boys to suck my greasy penis, because my 'art' manages to make a handful of fucked-up people laugh, and I'd rather have ten intelligent (if slightly insane) fans than ten thousand morons.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with an artist making money off their work...as long as it's a bit more artistic than a single trace-bitmapped google image and some sped-up recorded voice...but there is something very wrong when hacks like that DO get paid for their 'work', and someone with your skills doesn't. Keep doing it, though, cuz what you do IS art, and while you might not become as popular as certain squirrel-raping fucks, at least you'll have the community's respect.

Hm fuck my reply is too serious. I'm not in a mood for fruits though, so I'll have a bite of my favorite vegetable, Terri Schiavo. Been saving this snack for years yumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyum

If indignity did not exist then what of dignity? Can things only survive if they have an opposite? Why should there be life then..because death should have an opposite.If that is true that does this mean that every human should live forever because we have an opposite?No. This means we have no opposite.Then what is the opposite of opposite?Nothing......I'm outta ideas.....chihuha chihuha chihuha chihuha chihuha chichuha chihuha chihua POOF
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