A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.
Age 39, Male
talentless hack
Joined on 8/23/03
I love McFlurryzz
Drama Camel?
Is the Jew thing just a yellow star loading?
why are you guys so racist?
Squidward loves snowball fights.
Yeah, Yotam's right! I don't to wait around all day for this thing load with its ridiculous FIVE-POINTED star. I have Jewthings to do! XD
What kind of McFlurry? The Daim and the KitKat ones are the best.
It's the Tragedy Camel.
A merry Holidays to you too
Seasons greetings.
And merry holidays to you.
jews are not very kosher.
Merry Hanukah and Happy Xmas to you too.
Hopefully this year I'll be able to spin the square-top beneath the hanukah bush while I unwravel my gifts from SantaJew and dring kosher eggnog. =)
Now remember, for what ever holiday your celebrating this year, have a merry Christmas.
merry holidays or something like that...
No point QQ over the Big Mac that got away :(
Your banner is AWESOME.
The rude people at my McDonald's never have Mcflurries OR shakes!!!
What about Kwanzaa?
blame jibjab