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Great Cartoons - Blargen Fedibble Nohip Edition

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - July 7th, 2009

Someone in the last one of these reminded me that I had not posted any Bill Plympton animation. He has a contract I believe with Atom (formerly known as AtomFilms). Hence alot of his work is there and obviously I cant embed stuff from there here without breaking the code and causing a great cluster of fucks.


Your Face was the first Plymptoon I ever saw. I still love it to this day because despite being an amazing artistic feat, and hilarious, it also has an oddly catchy melody which I will never get out of my head.
God I used to watch this and his others over and over and over back in college.

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How to Kiss
Plympton has made quite a few shorts and a small handful of features. He has a rather sick sense of humor, which I like.

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This next film is by Patrick Smith
He, too, is a master at morphing things crazily via animation. Chances are you've seen this once.

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For those of you who grew up in the late 80's and early 90's (aka 1% of the ng audience) there is a good chance you watched some of Disney's television animation. I'm talking about Goof Troop, Tail Spin, Ducktales, Chip n Dale, Bonkers, etc.

I look back on these shows and am actually rather amazed at how well animated they often were.

However my favorite was the Timon & Pumbaa cartoon show. Very loosely based on the movie. Every morning I would get up JUST to watch this show before I went to school. I ADORED IT.

These are my two favorite episodes. They are both musical and quite short:

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This little bit premiered with the movie THE BIG GREEN when it came to VHS. They rarely RARELY showed it on tv.

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and hey speaking of Disney
watch Mickey's mouse's face contort in a bunch of rather horrifying facial expressions as he sings a song that makes little sense. Seriously pause it at any point to see Mickey have a stroke.

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there you go

Great Cartoons - Blargen Fedibble Nohip Edition


Bill Plympton sure is one cool animator. I love his dog-cartoons.

yeah Guard Dog is on atom films now I think
but i gots it on dvd

handshake is fucking disturbing

it kinda is isn't it
if it were real it'd explain why so many people go missing every year and never turn up ever again

Have you ever seen plymptons movie? It is some strange shit, but funny as hell.

which one? the one with the guy who gets god-like powers or the one where an astronaut fucks a bunch of animals on a ship and creates a race of mutants? or hair high?

It's always a bit sad when you're familiar with the parody more than the original song, such as the case with the Timon and Pumbaa bit.

the handshake one was quite disturbing. I like the sequence where the camera is spinning around as they are wrestling with it. What a tough sequence to animate.

Plympton was in between segways for some show back in the early 90's wasnt he? Oh i just looked it up. He was The Edge.

I remember he had a set of minigames in Take Your Best Shot. I'm gonnna see if i can get ahold of that. Now im intrtuiged of how his shit might work in a game environment.

Games you say? I am intrigued

yegh for some reason i can not stand that old sound in the mickey mouse one

the others were great. i was expecting a different ending in handshake (it reminds me of Rtil's 'Gum' movie) but it was still neat

Bill plympton rocks =) love the morphing and control he has manipulating his characters =)

Wow! Thank you for these Zekey!


See this is when Disney was good. NOW IT IS JUST FUCKING CRAP!!! I could see why those where your favorite shows it kept me enteertained good post.

hey now
meet the robinsons was great

SHIT yeah, Timon and Pumbaa were fucking amazing.

fuck year
I always loved the episodes with SUPER DUPER HERO X who was just that bing crosby snail.

I wish they'd put that show in a box set or something. Disney had so many great cartoon series in the 90's. And the only one that ever got any love was Goof Troop.

isn't it great that Handshake just CATCHES the eye?! i read a couple comments and then i knew i had to watch it. thanks zek!

I almost dropped my jaw at the first one. Those kinds of angles with that much attention to detail is just extraordinary. Each morph was actually fun too and go progressively more unique and advanced.

I watched "handshake" without sound at first. I watched it again with headphones and it was noticeably more disturbing. It's a shame that it's harder to visually perceive the amount of work that went in that animation since it's so clean, but I prefer the digital look anyway.

Oh man you put this timon and pumba cartoon ? That reminds me good tv times of my youth.

I also used to love the Timon & Pumba show.
And now I realize I still love it.

zekey, u or someone reading this can maybe help me. long long time ago i think it was you who posted a clip from a animated film, i think possibly korean (?). It was a guy on a bike protecting a girl, and lots of blue little creatures were attacking him in a city. Ring any bells? I'd like to watch that movie.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1 4kQlT8hjg

there you go!

this is pretty neat. pretty good animation for a newer looking cartoon. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLDtYsxtwXU&e">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLDtYs xtwXU&e</a>

its not THAT new but yeah the roger rabbit shorts are some of the most wildly over the top things ever. Particularly the Roller Coaster one. Like I cant even comprehend all the work that must have gone into that one.

When my pops sent me the special edition version of the movie with bob hoskins it came with the shorts. Love those films

I'm really familiar with both Plympton and Smith's work. I remember seeing them both while they were taking their stuff on tour at the MD Film Festival a few years ago. Bill was premiering "Hair High" and Pat Smith had a short film called "Delivery" in the Short-film Showcase. I also have another Smith cartoon on a Spike and Mike DVD I have.

one day i wish to go their film festival

....or any film festival really :C


You should totally put this in your next edition - <a href="http://www.monstersandrockets.com/2009/07/dali-and-disneys-destino-completed-sort.html">http://www.monstersandrockets.com/200 9/07/dali-and-disneys-destino-complet ed-sort.html</a>

salvador dali and disney collaboration. pretty much just completed. if you haven't seen it already

yeah i saw it ages ago but it was a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny quicktime file that was like 100 pixels wide
thank you for reminding me of this

the disney channel used to be my favorite channel when i was very young

hard to believe looking at it now


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