Dont call it a comeback
I been here for years
Rockin my peers and puttin suckas in fear
Makin the tears rain down like a monsoon
Listen to the bass go boom
today's pile of cartoons is mostly stuff from vimeo i think which is fine
most of today's cartoons are cgi that use very VERY stylized visuals. I am glad to see less CGI trying its darndest to look as 'realistic' as possible.
not long ago I posted SIGG JONES
here is a cartoon by the same guy. the visuals in this amaze me. it looks like it was animated on 3's and has a visual style i really cant describe
galactic mail
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Burning Safari
chances are you've probably seen this but I'm a post is again.
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i love the art-deco look to this film. it also has rockets.
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The Red Rabbit
I think the giant animals are an allegory for this guy's fear of getting too close to his neighbor
I may be wrong
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this is a little music video called sidedish
somethin about it reminds me of virtual pets from the mid 90's
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i cant even describe this one
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or this one
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this next cartoon has a ridiculous amount of detail in the visuals
like you seriously are going to want to full screen this one to have any hope of catching everything
its that crazy
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this next little film will make you go "d'awwww"
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this next film is a pretty 2d film by tapan gandhi. Its about a girl who grows a fetish for flushing live animals down toilets
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and to finish this post I think, this short short toon
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oh i almost forgot
flogging molly music video that gerkinman showed me
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and to end this post, something that is not a cartoon at all, but helps illustrate why religion needs to be kept off television
theres actually an even creepier video of this guy where he sings a duet with himself but if i post it here you'll die from hemorrhaging.
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Did you, in one of your many cartoon newsposts, ever post that video about the huge bunny that gets teased by 3 squirrels or something like that? I forgot the name of that video so I can't say what it was called and it's been a while since I watched it but I do remember that it was neat.
i know which video you mean
i think i posted it a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago