View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

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Great Cartoons: Dos Pantaloons Ecrive le Tortuga Edition

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - June 3rd, 2009

E3 just happened, for those who live in caves. And it was far superior to the boring and bizarre trio of clusterfuckery that was last year's show (which shattered the hearts of many gamers).

For me though the highlight was this incredible trailer for a game series I dont play and never will.
they even managed to sneak a Blue Meanie into it at around 2:40 seconds. This was made by the same animators who do the Gorillaz.

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someone reminded me of this the other day
its a film ng user kol-belov made which he couldnt put here. mainly i think because at the time, the limit on filesizes here was much much smaller. i recall the swf on his site being massive like 16mb or more.

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Long ago (long in this case being 2002 or 2005) there was a piece of software called MOHO. It was a rival to flash mx with different toolsets and such and allowed you to give 'skeletons' to 2d characters, kind of like how CS4 tried to do but failed miserably because Adobe is a terrible company who fucking hate their customers and never fix anything.
Then, MOHO was bought out and its name was changed to Anime Studio. Before this happened, the site for the software had some really neat music videos, cartoons, commercials, and such made by the software. Most of which were european.
When it became ANIME STUDIO PRO all these examples were wiped off the face of the internet.

Luckily some are still on youtube.
the first one is a neat music video called Gumanoid

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another thing made in moho called Lovely Girl

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and finally strahodon shaggy. i have no clue what the hell this creature is or why such disturbing children are obsessed with it.

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as I said last week I have a Vimeo account now and while I did get to post SOME stuff, there was alot I didnt get to post. So here it is.

This is the film POY by Sherbalex who is fuckawesome artist and animator. This film is unfinished as you will soon see, however the parts that are done are stunning.

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it aint christmas but i dont give a chicken pot pie imma post dis anyway

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this is great. also I'm not sure but I think it was made in flash.

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Uno. A very nice student film.

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Low Oxygen. Each frame of animation for the characters is a painting. what alot of work.

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knowledge of the cone. i dont know whats happening in this but it has a stampede of gnome creatures

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and thats all for this week.
back about your business.

Great Cartoons: Dos Pantaloons Ecrive le Tortuga Edition


I wonder what´s the story behind "knowledge of the cone". Maybe those cones in the beginning are a key to this mystery?

the cones make gremlins slap you in THE FACE

I had not seen Voyeur School, thanks man

I loved the style in Low Oxygen and Captain Cudney.

Poy and Polypeptide are like the two things id like to be alive to see done one day.

The Beatles Rockband Ad gave me goosebumps. That game's graphics had better all look like that...

game graphics will never be that varied and creative

I love the beatles....


Poy looks to be amazing.

The Beatles trailer was amazingly well made, but maybe a little too long? I mean, it might have better served its purpose by being slightly smaller. Kol-belov's movies are always amazing, voyeur school, which I already had seen, being among them.

Captain Cudney is a fun little movie, but the soundtrack is a tad little too repetitive, I recon. FInally, strahodon shaggy was beyond bizarre, but not particularly well made, not really up to the level of quality of the animations you usually post.

Still, thanks for taking the time, as always!

thanks for criticizing a blog post
next time i post cartoons on the fp as opposed to begging for money or talking about myself like everyone else does here, I will instead step back and ask myself "what will please NG user Vert whom I owe much to?"

vimeo is great


you should make a post about some silly independent games

one day perhaps i will

I fucking love the Beatles.

I could have sworn that I saw Voyeur School here on NG, but I guess not. I love kol-belov's stuff so much.


... don't be a prick. If you don't want people commenting on the cartoons you find, then don't post them here or, at the very least, make comments impossible or leave the option to moderate them.

Why else do you do leave comments on the 'real time' mode? So that people can admire you every time saying 'thank you' or 'Zekey is such an amazing person for finding this extraordinary cartoons' or something of the like?

Of course not, but that still doesn't mean you should act like an prick when replying to a comment that doesn't consist of a single line / isn't trolling you / isn't simply saying 'I loved X'.

I really do appreciate that you take the time to make these posts, since they are usually better than most of what other artists put on the front page and I've found quite a few gem among the cartoons you've put here. Heck, I've even expressed my gratitude to these posts by saying thanks in a previous post!

Also, notice how in my post, what I'm really trying to do is get some sort of dialogue going. I explicitly ask you whether you agree with me that the Beatles cartoon, although exceptionally well made, is a tad too long. Maybe I expressed myself poorly after that, but in my comment, I was mainly curious as to a deeper opinion on your part on the cartoons I commented on.

Then again, maybe you want a bunch of people saying things like 'I fucking love the Beatles.' or 'Poy looks to be amazing.', which really shows how much time they took to watch the cartoons and think about them, I don't know. If that's the case, then please make that clear, the next time.

what an indignant little attention whore you are.
and people wonder why I hate this website so much.

i luv sherb and i wish he would finish cockslapdeath ;P

but poy is awesome. i love the whole style of the fishies from the city. it reminds me of Kine, the fish from kirby's dreamland 2, when kirby would stick his face out from the mouth of the fish

oh fuck it does looke Kine
god damnit starogre now each time i watch it i will think of kirby
i will hunt you down and eat your spleens

hello im fat

hello im fat

that one guy is a little bitch. i bet it'd piss him off the most if you didnt reply to him.

nah I banned him. which is probably what he wanted all along.

whales are sad because they are fat

they sure are!

fat ass

ass fat

So where are you at with Polyptetide ? I'm starving for it.

i recently finished some very difficult traditional animation of some lizard skeleton crows exploding out of someones chest and landing on a bloody rope
somewhat near the ending


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