I found a contest. Yes another animation contest. Chances are this one could be yet another scam. I'm fine with that. Here's the thing though. Unlike most, the content does not have to be new original content made specifically for the contest.
However, like pretty much any contest or film festival, this needs to be something with music that I dont need rights to, all has to be my own original content I made etc etc etc
Sadly, this makes my list short. Because my two most entertaining shorts (WitchDoctor, Birds and the Bees) both use copyrighted musics.
Having perused the 200+ things I've chucked at this site, I have wittled down the available choices.
I am asking YOU guys which one would be best to enter into a contest with an very awesome prize I wont divulge right now. But believe me its awesome. (so very).
(there are others I could have added to the list, but the original content ones exempt from this list are usually either too violent ala Meat Grinder or too weird ala....well most things I've made). It's gotta be something not obscene or offensive.
Here's the available choices:
Joey's Bright Idea
The Incident
Created (my personal choice)
Experiment 16
Experiment 11
Unicycle (this is so old and shit)
And there you go.
And please no "most online contests are just scams" rhetoric again.
I know.
I've experienced it firsthand.
Just choose a cartoon.