i really need to stop letting my friends take me to bars.
it just gets me sleepy and depressed at the state of things.
i was going to post screenshots of my new flash here but newgrounds, for whatever reason, has not embraced the godly file known as the PNG.
think of this emoticon as a preview
there you go. think about THAT. AND TRY TO SLEEP AS YOU DO.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa its 5:30 am and I'm not sleepy in the least. I havent really slept in about a week now.
although, before this bout of insomnia, i was dreaming again. it had been like a year before i had dreamt of anything. so it was a welcome return. i still cant lucid dream which sucks balls. but at least these are new dreams and not the aggravating spooky recurring ones I used to get. I hated those.
recurring dreams included:
1.) rising to the top of a black and green wireframe room ceiling and painfully being slammed into the floor. i've been having that one since i was like 8. havent had it for a while though.
2.) dream where I watch two trains collide on an overpass, killing everyone. fire, blood, gore. this nightmare had it all. i've had it maybe 3 or 4 times now.
3.) dream where I watch some man I dont know or recognize slump to the floor and slice open his stomach. worms and maggots pour out. usually i'd wake up from this one and barf all over the place. havent had it in years (thank fuck).
4.) wandering into the patio of my old house in miami. looking under the yellow cot. seeing large grey iguanas crawling around. my deceased grandma calls me to come back inside. wake up. used to have this one like once a month. its been a long long time though.
5.) trapped in a stone tower with two young girls. colonial times or something victorian styled. tower slowly tips. we all slide to the side of the room as it falls. strangely we arent frightened. go fig.
6.) dream where i'm in a car crash and the other car is a family member mangled up. icky. only had it twice.
7.) dream where this indescribably hot chick comes up to me on the beach and well....you get the general idea. i don't have this one often enough, heh heh. :/
maybe i'll watch Heavy Traffic again. i'm bored out of my skull.
i have recurring nightmares too..
one I've had recently again envolves me in a supermarket with my friends, when the all of a sudden the ceiling drops down and crushes us...
or another one, wich is the worst propbably because everytime I wake up I'm sweating and shit, i see myself as a little boy with my dad in the town where i live, next to the sea.. we walk up to a fence, climb it and behind it there is a huge cliff that drops to the sea with these huge wavesw that spash up to me. my dad tells me to jump.. and eventually i do