View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

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Great Cartoons (and other things) part 4

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - May 10th, 2008


Yep yep.

Time for another one of these.
I am trying to decide if I want to keep these around 9-12 videos each time. I could easily go longer or shorter, but the longer they are the more the site lags and the shorter they are, the less cool crap I can show you guyz.


London is under siege:

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Michel Gagne has been working on a game version of his only-seen-on-nicktoons-network-during-
halloween series, Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppet Show. When this game will be out, who can say. The updates to his site are sporadic at best.
But you can see a nice teaser here. Yes, the show looked exactly like this. And yes, its Flash.

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Medical Island is a korean flash animated cartoon show that I found right after I made "The Morgue"
It reminded me alot of the Morgue and I loved the simplisticly creepy iconic designs all the characters had. It was made by Studio Animal who have pulled alot of the Medical Island stuff off their site when they signed up with Zango (some bothersome flashplayer wannabe thing). Luckily most of it ended up on youtube. They are all very short. Roughly 2 minutes long.
Episode 1:

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Episode 2:

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Quite a good handful of these were released and then they stopped.

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but enough about those


Dollface by http://www.andrewthomashuang.com THAT GUY
A crazy 3d animated short. Very freaky.

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The Dover Boys of Pimeno University.
Probably one of the best cartoons ever made by the late Chuck Jones

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Sweet Smoke by Mr.Scruff
Scruff is a UK electronic musician. He has a site full of these cure little oval characters.
Here is a music video by him

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Basin Street Blues is a tune remixed by Kid Koala, who has made all sorts of stuff. He was in town actually the other night at the Crow Bar. I wanted to go see his live show but couldn't. Now he's in Canada. BAH!
Anyway, he is related to Monkmus who is a great flash and traditional animator. I've always liked this film by them:

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Efterklang Mirador
BigArmyBug (now just Bug) linked me to this one day and said "I bet you'll like this"
He was fuckin right. >:C

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Dont you hate it when you land on a planet in outer space and its got hot fairy chicks who party with you and then it turns out they're actually flesh eating robots?

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An Eye For Annai
Everyone hates the music in this. I think its cute.
I showed this to my friend Mike and he proceeded to narrate everything on the screen in a weird voice. That has nothing to do with the cartoons, which is very sweet and has a childrens book feel to it.

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Mad Rhetoric
You gotta love old-school Toonami. Back when it was run by adult swim people and Tom didnt look like a lego man.

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And finally this spasticly entertaining music video david firth made a long ass time ago:

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And that's it for this week. Tune in next week where my guests will be Wonder Woman, and a giant talking clitoris.

Actually let me add one more film.

The Film "Robotno is visited by Aunt Flo" is a film made in 1957. It is the only animated film to have been worked on by Tex Avery, Bob Clampett, Grim Natwick and Walt Disney himself. They started working on the film in 1948, but an animators Strike made it slow moving. The 4 animators had to work on the film all by themselves.
When it was finally released "Robotno is visited by Aunt Flo" won 4 Academy Awards, the only film to do so. When Walt died he actually requested a drawing of Robotno to be chiseled on his gravestone instead of Mickey Mouse. That was the kind of bond they shared.

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*thumbs up

*toes down

Geez, I've only just started on the second part. I'll eventually get around to giving them all a good look though.

well they're all very short.

Lovely collection. Im guessing all these are where you get your inspiration from. I felt sorry for the doll face though :(

it feels sorry for you as well
because you are not a machine

Toonami used to be the shit.

oh my yes

clitoris collab

yes. yes yes yes.

In the Dover Boys one, " I HATE DICK".

I laughed. Hard.

Lochlyn Munroe reminds me of one of the Dover Boys.

You have a big hairy bum.

I know man. I know.

somebody likes video embedding....


Woo, I'm leaving a comment. A comment that tastes like cranberries! Seriously, taste it.

I'm fairly drunk. I don't know if that makes this a better or worse time to indulge in these.

My god.. I mean.. Shit, man. Ok, allright. Well, then... yeah.

I made Tribute 4 BERRY and you and squueky tode are the bad.

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/437820">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /437820</a>

He dosnt want to be UR friend anymore!!!

i'm sure this is a satirical alt, but i'm banning this anyway cause i just aint in the mood

First I thought that the actor in Dollface was the same guy that was in the music video of Girls by The Prodigy, but they just look the same because they both only have a face and nothing else.

hahaaaaaaaaa that is great

i actually remember seeing the Dover Boys on TV at some point. of course, i was a bit younger, so i didn't appreciate its humor the way i do now.

also, i remember stopping EVERYTHING so i could watch Toonami. then Cartoon Network started blowing like a doof, so i started watching Discovery and History more than them. at least they still have Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. only decent show on CN anymore.

you should have included some Cartoon Cartoons. :P

I'm planning on doing a post of all the never-shown-anymore "What a Cartoon" and "Oh Yeah Cartoons" shows.
There was alot of gold in those.

i like a lot of animation.
you should do a set of bill plympton's stuff if you can find it.
keep up the interesting posts!

Plymptons stuff is on atomfilms. but i cant embed atomfilms.


haha, oh how i loved old tonnami.

i have to admit, i loved dragonballz back then, but thats not important.

anyway, yeah, they killed it, remember when moltar was the host? because is bearly do.

I remember pre-moltar toonami. When the "host" was a little flying space saucer who flew in the clouds with jets.

Also, did you know Toonami derives its name from a crazy SpaceGhost/Herculoids/Birdman tv special?

also, that last cartoon was amazing, i couldn't help but cry.

neither could robotnik :C

Wow. You just had to leave to "Robotnic Gets His Period" video, didn't you? I was on YouTube, checking out your profile, and "manwithtentoes3" had linked it from one of your video's. I swear, YouTube Poop's are signs from God. For everyone else, check out "TERRORISM" , "Luigi loses it", and "Patricks Pathetic Plague" on YouTube.

Nathan is the shit. And no one can say otherwise. Except Mr. T.

I hope to meet Mr.T one day
I can think of no more noble death than at his hands

I enjoy nothing more than watching all of these awesome cartoons late at night.

i enjoy nothing more than your supple breath against my skin

wait what

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