View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

talentless hack



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Great Cartoons (and odd ones) Part 2

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - April 24th, 2008

This seemed pretty successful last time, so here it is again.

More cartoons that are special in their own odd ways that have inspired me in some form or fashion and that I think more people need to see, since alot of these are from other countries.
It's the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane sane sane sane

First thing is this:
Atom Ant - We Must All Get Ready Now
Back in the 90's on Cartoon Network (when the channel was alot weirder) they had these things called "Groovies" which were all music videos done in various media and art styles tailored around certain cartoon shows. Alot of them were done by studio Primal Screen. Not all of them were though, so I'm not entirely sure of the particular origins of this Groovy. One thing alot of the Groovies shared in common was mixed media. Lots of animation spliced with live action, stop motion, and pixilation.
There's a fairly high chance you've seen this at least once if you're a tv watcher.

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Next is a short music video for Tuesday Weld's song "Bathtime in Clerkinwell"
There's actually, for reasons unknown to myself, two different versions of this song with the same video floating about the internet. Honestly, I like this particular version. Although the video is alot dirtier and less clean. The animation was done by Alex of www.figlimigliproductions.com who likes to use silhouettes alot in his work.

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The Annecy Fim Festival is one of the biggest film festivals for animation around. And every year some studio makes some sort of great intro for the show. These are my two particular favorites
Being but intros, they are extremely short:

The Mirror

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Le Gouter (The Taste / The Snack)

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Next is Le Building. A short very silly cartoon (with brief horrible nudity NSFW) from the Gobelins school in France. Pretty much everything released from Gobelins is great. The place must be magical or something.
You can watch a nice sharper quicktime version of Le Building on the official site. I love this film because it's funny, it's musical, it's well animated, and it uses quite a few different techniques.

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At a Glance is a neat little video made by a couple who are Sculptors as well. Isn't that neat?
Some very wiggy visuals and color scheme of black white red and turquoise.

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Malice in Wonderland. Made by an animation teacher.
Definitely in the top 10 of most "What the Fuck" short films of animation.
NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Lots of penises, vaginas, blood, and other severely deranged nonsense that cant be described with the words currently available to the human tongue.

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Next is one of the few music videos for Aphex Twin not done by Chris Cunningham. Actually, I am not 100% sure who made this. The song in this video has about four different names it goes by. It's a dark grungy little video of what seems to be a music playing robot tearing itself off of it's legs/chair/butt.
I can't embed it so here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEbewiN Y3M4

This next music video has it all. Vikings. Guitar battles. Giant mech suits.
Animated by Joel Trussel who's made a few very imaginative music videos, all done in a very limited animation style.

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Chris Cunningham is one of my favorite directors of videos. His videos are all insane, disturbing, and usually contain special effects that look frighteningly real. He and his team really know how to make a CG effect or creature NOT look like its CG. Same goes with any puppetry or models used. Most know him for his music videos for Aphex Twin and Bjork, but he's done other things including this, which is one of his first films, and how it managed to get on youtube mystifies me, but here it is anyway. Thanks to Halcion for finding this gem.
Make sure to maximize this one. You definitely want it to take up your whole PC screen. Turn off all the lights, too.

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He also made this neat advertisement for the PSP a while ago. For some reason, Sony didnt like it. I dont see why. Its a hell of alot better than their other ads.

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This is the trailer for Mindgame. It came out a few years ago.
Chances are you havent seen the whole film because each time it gets leaked online it gets quickly yanked off. And there is still not an official english dub or subtitled version. Just ones done by fans. Which is a shame as it's a hilarious and great animated film by Studio 4C (cat soup, animatrix, gotham knight, Genius Party).

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The animation director behind mindgame is Koji Morimoto who has been a part of some of the best animated films from Japan. And usually the more abstract ones. He's helped bring Akira, Macross and Fist of the North Star to life. And is one of the most important Directors at Studio 4c.

Way back in 1997 he made a very very bizarre short cartoon called Noiseman Sound Insect. It's contains a character from a previous short he made called "Franken's Gears" about the mad Doctor Franken who seems to be both a genius and imbecile at the same time.

Noiseman is odd because even from a storytelling standpoint it's very hard to follow.
You eventually "get it" but at first you're pretty confused. Basically Franken has found a way to get "noise" from "noise seeds" which he gives to his robot. He accidentally seperates his own noise from his body. His noise becomes a crystal and his body becomes a little gelatinous sperm ghost critter. His robot goes crazy and becomes NOISEMAN (a bloated robot with a really loud voice) and decides to turn everyone's noise into crystals because it likes the sound the crystals make.
Thats about as clear as I can make it.

It used to be online in an english dub on Veoh. Youtube has it with spanish subtitles. I tried putting it on youtube in english but apparently a 15 minute short cartoon is too 'long' for the precious servers of Youtube.

So I searched and searched and searched and found it on a weird site called Crunchyroll. (sushi reference I assume).
Noiseman Sound Insect. This is the link. You must click to watch it. It is 15 minutes long, so it's longer than the other things I posted today.
and here's a screenshot from the film:

Great Cartoons (and odd ones) Part 2


wassup Zekey?........

hello person


but not as delicious as a lenko biscuit

Thanks for that, sincerely. I don't usually care for Japan's offerings to the global media, but that Noiseman business was pretty wild. Was that the last fifteen minutes of a full movie, or was that the whole bit there?

thats the whole thing.
there's plenty of good stuff from japan. but much like our own animation industry, piles of shit cover it all up.

same with canada/france

where do you find these man? They're great

well first thing i do is that i take a clean razor and slice out my spleen. i deep fry it with chipotle pepper sauce until it reaches a golden red brown color and smells distinctly of piss.
I then force feed it to one of the many slaves I keep in my basement. After that we all star in a show-stopping musical number, take home a few Tony's, grow old, and then die.
And that's basically the process.

Great, now I have "Wale-den-de-bobo-den-di-bili-dan-lo-
no" stuck in my head

yes. mission accomplished.

Malice in Wonderland is my favorite. Reminds me of this animation... <a href="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wLy5drB1LC0">http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wLy5drB 1LC0</a>

A little different but still funky crazy, hey what just happened here? shit.

That was badass in so many ways. It'd be great if a film in theaters had that kind of crazy visual inventiveness.

I seriously remember watching these as a kid and loving them.
Thanks for the memories Zekey. <3

dont thank me.
Thank Justice Fruit Pies.
The delicious treat you'd have to be CRAZY to hate.

Still no Ren and Stimpy?


ren and stimpy doesnt need more publicity
it really doesnt
even amish people on desert islands

Not all as epic as the previous post but still some good selection.
I watched The Eel in the dark in bed fullscreen on my laptop and I was falling asleep until it abruptly woke me up near the end.

Just sharing some good animations I like:
"Ryan" - Chris Landreth. A CGI animated documentary about a former animator Ryan Larkin.
"The man who planet trees" -Frédéric Back. Superb animation and storytelling although it does weigh in at 30-40mins it still sucks you in.

Personally I liked Landreth's cartoon based on that "Bingo the Clowno" play that he made like more than a decade ago, more than Ryan.
It makes me laugh each time.


I don't really like them but meh, that's just me. ^^;


This was a nice break from writing an essay. Noiseman was great.. very cool :o


Holy fucking shit cakes.

The Eel.

It's like Larvae but a billion times cooler and better.

I'm glad I left the lights on.

but now you know why never to shove an eel into a small tank
because it will morph into a horrendous multi-headed anthropomorphic fish man with a giant white spore-shooting penis. and that's NO good!

Re-watching some of these have made my day.. No week!!!

The best was Atom Ants groovies. I remember watching all of those as a kid, wtf happenend to cartoon network? It used to be cool.

I'm eventually gonna do a post of just Groovies. Maybe next time!

ONE WORD: Aachi & Ssipak ... love dthe fighting scene.

I posted about them in the last post you silly goose!
unless of course you are referring to that

I reviewed your flash

"Joey's Bright Idea"

I hope you gave it a bad score as it's probably the worst cartoon attempting "humor" ever made

Wow, these are amazing. Good to see we're not doomed to Naruto. Where can I get the "Aachi and Ssipak" movie from the first set of cartoons?

as far as I know.
MTV is apparently setting up an english version. But then again, MTV

i've run out of things to say.


I was gonna say the PSP add was used but ShirtTurtle already said that.
I liked the Malice in Wonderland one.
Extremely interesting.

aye. my friends find it hilarious

that eel one is fucking amazing.

my god damn heart races every time i watch it.

uughh i'm fucking paranoid now
i'll be imagining that damn eel face everywhere for weeks
nice job zekey

it will haunt you in the night

Still no Danny Phantom?



actual line from the theme song

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