View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

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Great Cartoons Part 1

Posted by ZekeySpaceyLizard - April 17th, 2008

These are all films that have inspired me in some way

I am posting the videos here. And I will do more later. Hence the "part 1" in the title. Some of these, some of you might have seen. Others, perhaps not.

Either way, now that we have this function, I feel I should use it for something useful, to expose others to films that they probably haven't seen, and SHOULD see.

Because I am a helpful ball of creamy strawberries.

But enough of my pretentious shit,
on to the films.

This first bit is the trial scene from Pink Floyd's film THE WALL. A good movie. And luckily for animation, they had animated help from Gerald Scarfe, who also designed the characters for Disney's Hercules.
This film is great because for one, the animation is incredibly detailed and smooth and fluid, and second it contains singing vaginas and a singing anus. What more could you want in a film?

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This next film is an animated music video for the band Mika. The song is catchy, and a dash redundant, but enjoyable all the same. What really makes it impressive is that there seems to be no end of cool colorful designs to look at in this. And the moment you think they've run out of glossy candy-colored things, MORE show up. It's very pretty and cute.

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For the longest time Korea has had a huge animation industry which has been used for the last 30000 years to animate almost all the cartoons you see on tv in America. It's cheaper apparently. Either way, lots of studios in Korea are not producing their own films and series. One that got alot of eyes upon it was an action film about a dystopia where people defecate and eat popsicles. I cant explain it much better than that, but here is a clip of one of my favorite scenes. It's violent, bloody, and has some of the coolest cinematography in an action cartoon.

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Overtime is an odd little film where a bunch of grieving puppets realize that their puppeteer is dead. It's rather sad. It's a student film made by the Supinfo school. Who also made a film called "Ah" that I'll probably post in the near future. Until then, enjoy this sad but well made little 3d animated film.

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The Ghost of Stephen Foster is a lively animated music video done in a 1930's Fleischer style. The Squirrel Nut Zippers are the band. And the music is pretty awesome. If you're unfamiliar with the Squirrel Nut Zippers, get to know them. They are the best new school band making old school music.

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Fallen Art is by Tomek Baginski who has made several great CGI films. This is probably his best one because it has a marvelously sick sense of humor and great disturbed character designs. Chances are if you're into animation, you've seen this film already. If not, you are in for a gruesome musical treat.

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The Riddle.
I know honestly jack shit about this cartoon. All I know is that there's a few of these all done to Gigi D'agostino's electronic music. And they are deceptively complex, despite looking simple. And they are cute.

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That film I talked about earlier. It has a slow pace, but it's a really nice little dream sequence cartoon. With some swell 3d animation and an original idea.

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This next film is More by Mark Osbourne. He has a site called HappyProduct.com
He is also one of the staff on spongebob. In 1998 he made this great short film. It's stop-motion animation and is just a damn good film. When I was wee, I was fortunate enough to see this film, and it shocked me that a short film could hold such meaning. It's the film that made me realize that I wanted to be an animator and not just a cartoonist.

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Because there's no "preview post" button, I am fairly certain half the links wont work, i'll feel stupid and abandon trying this again. If they do work, HOORAY! I've exposed people to some good things.



Some interesting selections there. Certainly explains a lot.
A number of those are brilliant pieces of animation.

I invest a good deal of my time into watching some great animated classics, perhaps in hopes that some of it will rub off onto myself. Of course, I'm still trying to master the basics and keep my animation from looking like total crap, so it will certainly be a while before I can hope to imitate some of this insanely talented stuff.
I also envy the originality displayed by many of these works, such as Gigi D'agostino's music video (which I believe you originally showed me a while ago). Simple but awesome.
Ah well.

A good number of my favorites are missing from your list. Perhaps I'll have to make my own. You've inspired me.

Well its called "Part 1" for a reason.

I'm not gonna post 34945949234599900000 videos

I already had someone complain about me posting just 10 videos. I banned him good.

Overtime was really well done. So was the Wall and the Riddle. I just don't see how these relate to spamming...

you're so clever

Congratulations it's worked.
It's gonna take me about an hour to stream and view all the videos but I've read through the post and they seem to be inspiring.
I've never actually seen "The Wall" but I've heard a lot about the animation in it.

Oh and Gigi D'agostino's animated videos are heavily inspired from a TV series in Italy called "La Linea", check that out on youtube :)

Yes I have seen La Linea
The most impressive thing to me is not just that they are cartoons using the "continuous line" thing, but that it was a WHOLE SERIES
that requires alot of clever imagination to keep something like that up

Real quality stuff here. I've only seen the first two because my browser crapped up on me and won't play them unless I do a restart. I guess its a good thing since I don't have nearly enough time this morning to watch all of them. I'll finish looking at the others once I'm done with classes and finished my paper today.

well if it helps, they are all very short

I mean, I could post a whole animated film, but who wants to sit on my page for 1-2 hours watching a blurry youtube vid?

"Not I" says the Pie.

Excellent choices here, Im actually ashamed to say I never saw the wall, and glad Im doing now, all the pieces are have amazing distinct styles and are incredibly inspirational,

great work Zek

you should see the whole movie
its pretty great

Wow, I've just seen More. That was amazing. Seriously amazing.
And now I can really see how that has heavily inspired you to make something like MASS.

except mass sucks balls

I'm studying Scarfe for my uni essay at the moment haha. I love his stuff, its interesting how he went to a warzone and drew the things there too.

Also Hades = best Disney villain design ever ever ever.

Disney needs more humorous villains

Fuuuck, haven't had time to watch all of them yet. First of all, I've always LOVED the Trial scene, it's been some of my favorite animation for ages, it's so fucking awesome. The animation alone made me love the shit out of that song. The Goodbye Blue Sky animation is also awesome, but haven't seen it yet. HEY, MINDCHAMBER: GO WATCH THE WALL RIGHT NOW.

The second animation made me jizz in my pants and want to get After Effects like a crack head who hasn't had a hit in 3 hours. I NEED IT MAN. So colorful and happy, I need to get that and take my shit to the next level or something. Maaaayun. I just showed my coworker who does After Effects... he liked it, but not quite like I did. I will go back and watch these other animations as I get more time throughout the day.

Excellent use of the video feature, Zekey. Thanks for not just posting a pic of you playing with a cat or something dumb ¬_¬ YEAH TOM I SAID IT.


i'm sure once i'm bored of showing people nice things i'll use the video feature to post horrible smut since apparently thats what everyone expects me to do anyway.


i lied ill watch em later but i am intrigued


finally a post using the video embedding feature that isn't completely redundant crap

very cool zekey

walter melons

Haven't watched all of them yet. I'll probably finish watching tomorrow.

Fallen Art is brilliant. Like you said, incredible character designs. The dancing scene is so sick, yet so funny.

i am nowhere near as fat as that guy, and I cant dance that well

this is the best update ever.

or is it?


The Wall was a terrific movie.

indeed it is!

What homor said but with better grammar.

Homor 2.0

i never got to see More completely, its AWESOME

yes it is. yes it is!

I started watching The Wall and that Korean one -- they were both nice. I like the motorcycle violent one myself. It's far more interesting visually than the wall. I'll finish watching them somewhere with a faster internet connection.


Aachi & Ssipak... I need to see the whole movie NOW.

I had seen More before.

Nice selections.

MTV is apparently doing an English translation
which could be a good or bad thing

Well let me tell you a little something about BLEEDIN SEALS. For one, they are FULL OF FAT AND DISGUSTING SEAL-Y ORGANS, UGH NO MORE, UGH Idont see how people just dont beat them to death at the very mention of their INSIDIOUS NAMES SEEAAAALLLLSS SEEAALLSSS it sickens the MOST HEARTY OF MEN INTO HOOORRRIIBBLLLEEEE FRRREENNNZZIEESS OF HOMICIDE. on to other things now. Big ol possums are a roamin round my house today...not sure whats goin on really, its kinda like A BIG OL POSSUM PARTY, but for what reason? well, im gonna tell you rriiiggggtt now. When possums gather round the house, you better get a bat, bc they need to be BEAT INTO SUBMISSION. BBAAATTINN THE POSSSUUMMSS BAATIIN THHEEMM GOOOOOOODDDD, MAKE THEM SQQWQQQQQQQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL LLLL.

i agree

I can't believe I forgot about Fallen Art. It was one of the first short films I watched when I starting making an effort to watch short films.

The only other one I've seen is More, which kicks massive amounts of ass.

Oh my, how elaborate my opinions are.


nimpercent needs to die in a fire

he my buddy

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