we should collaborate sometime. Im intruiged by your work.
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.
Age 39, Male
talentless hack
Joined on 8/23/03
we should collaborate sometime. Im intruiged by your work.
I'm "ok" at painting, but I am really not good at animating. I'd drag the production values of your movie-quality shorts down, I wager.
Cool pic, and agree totally on the sigs. I miss my star-glowy-things every time I post, boo :(
I was always impressed at how slowly those things faded in and out and yet remained below the K-byte limit.
Bring back animated sigs! Where's the petition, let me sign it!
Zekey, I'm a huge fan of yours :D
/not a stalker/even though I know your REAL NAME, Nathan! :O
Those williwowza sigs where the secks.
Sinister draws you like a furry :giggle:
i miss sinista
From that angle, it could look like a duck bill. :3
I <3 you.
That drawing made me see the future, literally.
You guys get to watch an animated progress gif every time you upload a new sig picture. That should be sufficient dazzlement.
what is a animated sig?
Lookin sexy as always zekey meister. I too miss the animated siggies, how is my hippo supposed to eat any .swf's if he's not animated!? i liked toms reply to this post... yeah tom, i suppose it's quite amazing, but ya know, not exactly the same. i mean, yeah it's totally awesome and all... but...dot dot dot. btw zeke has stolen toad's mushroom helmet and made it his own!!
fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffff its a rhino
I never knew so much went into proper image resizing.
Delicious drawing once again.
And are you giving Squaresville a sequel? I'm just wondering.
FINE! Don't answer this comment.
I've had plans in my head for a sequel called Spheresville.
But I have much work to do for my new cartoon which is about 70% done. And me and a poet are collaborating on a scary Halloween flash. It may never get made.
nathan maloney
sexy ^
Someone tried to tell me that ghost farts wouldn't be considered immaterial but rather, supernatural immaterial.
This bothered be enough to let you know about it
goast fahts
Don't remember. It was a really long link, and it ended in a weird extension.
Woah. I wish I could draw as good as you :O
I wonder what his skull looks like under that helmet...?
when they finally pulled the helmet off his head...
......he looked......like......THIS:
http://img259.imageshack.us/img25 9/9963/largemargewr4.gif
....worst accident.....I ever seen........
You look most determined Zekey.
wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin wappin
I want animated sigs!