Hey what happened to fat badger?
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.
Age 39, Male
talentless hack
Joined on 8/23/03
Hey what happened to fat badger?
he appears once a month and then is gone in a flash of fat
Talking about UPA
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4s9V8aQu4c">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4s9V8 aQu4c</a>
But maaybe you've already added it before.
i actually did once
I never said you're full of yourself, and I don't think you are.
I'm looking forward to polypeptide; I think it looks good so far, and I don't consider it something that'll have you telling everyone how much better you are than them, or even something that you can keep referencing when talking to someone (ex- "You think you're a good animator? How about you look at polypeptide and then talk to me, BITCH").
It's pretty obvious what kind of person you are, so I know you wouldn't do anything like that.
What I meant by the aura core comment (as a joke) is it would completely ruin it for me, no matter how good the animation is, if you said something like: "Alright everybody, I've just come back from a magical journey of two wonderful years. Not only have I grown as a person, but I think I can now consider myself one of the greatest artists of the internet generation."
I'm not saying you would do anything like that, it was a stupid joke (I thought it was funny because you act NOTHING like that; KIND OF like when a spam crew submits 'Super Mario Ball Z episode 9 ultra edition' and they'll post a 3000 word comment like the aura core people.... kind of).
I added "But I guess you can type whatever you want." because I thought you were insulted by the first aura core comment.
THEN AGAIN, I think you have every right to brag (to a point) if you make an amazing animation that takes you two years to make. I'M NOT SAYING THAT YOU WOULD.
Alright, this comment is getting pretty gay. Aura core gay. Actually it was gay from the beginning. I should probably just shut up now, I kind of lost track of what I was talking about. You can just go ahead and delete this if you want, I don't want to make this newspost all gay and stuff.
i was thinking of making its author's comments
"well. here it is."
since noone gives a shite about anything i type in my authors comments anyway.