View Profile ZekeySpaceyLizard
A man said to the universe: 'Sir, I exist!' 'However,' replied the universe. 'The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.--------- ---- When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

Age 39, Male

talentless hack



Joined on 8/23/03

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6,400 / 6,940
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6.62 votes
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Do you find Don Hertzfeldt's work overrated?

Not really. People only know him via the internet for the most part. He draws his films completely by hand all by himself. And they're all very entertaining. Despite his characters being little stick figures people, he manages to tell very amusing often trippy stories with them.

Zekey, I was searching for a good selection of videos to watch, and you have provided.

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea?

what about it? taint in theaters yet, MCGEE

One frog, one bear, one banjo, a full tank of gas.
Hilarity ensues.

You made me go break out my VHS copy. And I ain't watched that movie since I'm 12.
You bastid.

you think youd ever do more stuff like in the NG timetrials?

its possible maybe

i'm more of a fan of those "a simple line" type of collabs
I wish i could do stuff with the level of fluidity those guys can do.

was wondering who was gonna get the weebls-stuff job, but didnt see that coming. you deserved it, gratz

holy shit that batman ad was fucking awesome.

my eyes are bleeding it was so fucking awesome.

Heh, I love watching these tewns you find.

Congratualtions on being Weelb's new love spawn.

Way down in Kokomo.

to get away from it all
way down in kokomooooo

Nice job joining Weebl. YOU'RE MOVING ON UP TO THE SKY.

I'm thinking about buying some of your shit.

Encourage me.

its expensive and most of it is pretty ugly.

so there you go!

yeah those simple lines are great, you think polypeptide will be finished soon?
also have you seen any of these russian cartoons? theyre quite entertaining.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We91YuOXm5Y&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We91Yu OXm5Y&feature=related</a>
(Nu pagadi)

russia had like the best animation industry ever for a while there

These are some great finds although it makes me a bit sad that I can't make anything like them or finish things.

you and drattigan should work together

''Having watched the Great Muppet Caper last night for the umpteenth time and watching old reruns of Muppets Tonight.''

Sounds like your setting yourself up for a fall, for me that's always been one of the ways I've made hype cause dissapointment.

i dont hype things or believe in hype.

That student one was fuckin hilarious

2 much time zekey....... 2 much time

Speaking of puppetry and animation, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-2vLTSUpC0&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-2vLT SUpC0&feature=related</a>



"I love you but i've chosen darkness" is awesome, I love it.

Every time I see your name I read it as Zekey-Space-Lizard, but then I see I read it wrong and I try it again, adding the Spacey.
I like the other way...


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